Quick post, really! (Weight)

Jul 12, 2014 22:17

Often my quick posts turn out kinda long, but it's late and I want to log out, so this one really will be quick. I don't want to skip documenting things though.

Lost "only" a pound today. (How silly is an 'only' there?) So that's seven pounds in four days. I kind of feel silly for panicking about needing to lose 10-15 in eight weeks, but who knew this could happen?

Bad day for food, but not too bad. I wanted to finish the hamburger meat I had, so I made a burger. Beef, 80/20 (20/80?), so the most fatty kind. It was good, but not worth however many calories were in it (especially with a bun).

In the evening I had a... I don't even know what to call it. Mental rebellion? My mind just went NO NO NO STOP TAKING AWAY MY FOOD, EVERYONE ELSE IS GETTING IT, IT'S NOT FAIR! It wasn't even a craving, it was just some kind of emotional, immature protest against reality. Luckily I had prepared for such a thing and made a bag of "plain" (sea salt only) microwave popcorn. While it was way more calories than I would want in a snack (250 for the whole bag, I ate 90% of it), it could have been a whole lot worse. Between that (very salty and extra calories) and the burger, I suspect tomorrow will be a no-loss day. Hopefully it won't be a gain.

I'm also almost done with my book. Book review coming soon!

health: bariatric surgery

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