WTB a rollback. (WoW)

Jan 05, 2011 08:50

This post on Dear Gnome could really be copied word-for-word and reposted here. I wasn't having fun on WoW pre-Cata, and it's so much worse now. I hate this expansion. I really, really do.

I moved an alt back to Dalaran, and my heart breaks at how empty the city is now. Such a beautiful city, compared to horrible ugly ALL RED AND DARK AND SPIKES Org. Org is a god-awful place to have to be hearthed, but it's where the sorry excuse for this expansion's portals are.

I still miss the Dal portals. Would it be so bad to let us hearth there again and be able to get back to Org when we need to do things there? Really, Blizz, if you need to force us into the new city, isn't something wrong? Shouldn't we want to be where you want us to be?

And archaeology. God, how I ever thought that would be a good thing. Seriously, it's the worst thing I've ever experienced in WoW or FFXI. I've spent two weeks now with ZERO progress. Minimum of six hours a day on work days, upwards of fourteen hours on weekends. With NO progress. I could cry. Who in the world ever thought this was a good, fair, fun system?

And the new zones... How beautiful Northrend is! So many amazing, pretty, beautiful places. Cata has one zone I like (Uldum). And that's "like", not "love" as I feel for 90% of Northrend.

There's tons of stuff that doesn't even touch me, like the triple queue time for dungeons or the horror that healers are currently experiencing.

And the 85 level cap? Did we seriously get excited over five additional levels? (While FFXI went from 75 to 100.) Not that I personally want to level, but I know others do.

I haven't even been doing much RP, which is the reason I say I stay on WoW. I'm so close to finishing archaeology, still 18/20, it feels like I have to be nearly able to finish it, so I keep at it and just make myself more miserable.

There is a semi-up side to all of this. I don't care anymore. I don't feel like I HAVE TO do my dailies. If I don't like the daily, I don't do it at all. Even if it's one I like, if I don't feel like doing it, I don't. The new Cata cooking and fishing dailies just aren't worth stressing myself over.

Twilight cultists are silly bad guys. How stupid the pre-Cata quests were, now the whole expansion is based around them.

Come back, Lich King! We'll stop killing you, promise!


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