Nov 22, 2004 19:33
holy crap, the first nine weeks is over. I finally realize something about time. ITS RUNNING OUT! I mean, I can't wait to get to college (assuming I get in...think happy thoughts!) college is the next and biggest step of my life so far. I get to make all new friends, live away, have sooo much freedom. Just that thuoght I can't even comprehend. I get to live in a dorm room, smoke cigars on my campus grounds, eat food wherever I want. choose wheteher or not i go to class...but best of all, i get to introduce all the guys on my hall to a new meaning of "touchy-feely." now that sounds super gay, but im pretty sure most of you know what I'm talking about.
However, for every up, there must be some downs...over our occoaquon trip, ricky, chip, and jap touched upon a subject i tried so hard to block out - think of everything I'm leaving behind...Only a few people will i ever stay in close contact with. More than half of my best friends, I will never speak to or see during and after college. I can't imagine that. These are the best friends I have ever had, they are also the most diverse! No where else will there be a curly-haired artist named Alex Bailey. No tall beat-bustin Jap. No sweet asshole named Ricky. No pretty boy Chip. No little ms Chez. No tough-girl Amy...none of these people. That thought almost brings me to tears. Now you can joke me now, but if you think about it, you'll understand. All of my friends, from the oldest to the newest are the most important parts of my life. When i lose them, a part of me leaves. you can say "stay in contact" but wth all the new experiences we'll be having, no one (including me) is gonna want to dwell on the past for too long. I guess my biggest fear is just getting replaced...