Characters Artemis, Rikku, Schuldig
Rating PG-13
Summary When a seemingly routine business transaction goes awry, young Master Fowl is not only relieved to escape with his life and limbs, but is relieved of one of his most prized possessions.
Location A particularly seedy neighborhood, populated by dumpsters, mostly.
Date/Time October 10th, late evening
Status Ongoing Completed
A gunshot ricocheted off the handrail just as Artemis went to grab it.
He'd never been particularly fond of this particular source of Zydrate, he could at least say that. However reassurances from both Crawford and Schuldig had strengthened the young man's resolve, and he appeared before the drug ring in person.
It would have been good to know that the leader had recently procured a stronger mix of Z for himself, and was not only hallucinating, but making unreasonable demands of Artemis. He wasn't expected to become violent, but drugs had a strange way of wiping away logic and replacing it with Saturday morning cartoons. The ring's leader had begun open firing on Artemis, and the young man was just lucky that Schuldig was so fast. The bodyguard had shoved him towards the door, instructing him to get outside. Artemis was only too happy to comply. He'd run, find a place (preferably bulletproof), and hunker down until Schuldig arrived. His phone and Cube gave off a tracking signal, in case the two of them had to separate. They could find each other again with no trouble--even if Artemis was relieved of Cube or his phone.
He nearly fell down the stairs as he took them two at a time. Guns he was not cowed by--guns that were being fired were a different story. Blindly, he jumped off the last stair and took off down the street, looking back over his shoulder for Schuldig. It was hard for him to run and leave Schuldig behind, but he'd come to believe that whatever Schuldig said was best for both of them was probably the truth.
Still, his mind wandered along with his eyesight. Schuldig hadn't emerged yet...