Jul 18, 2005 15:50
ParadoxInnaBox: It's not like you ever see anyone in Montana
ParadoxInnaBox: There's one person every three square miles
banned in canada: except nazis
banned in canada: dem nazis are EVERYWHERE
ParadoxInnaBox: Yeah
ParadoxInnaBox: Hitler's hidey hole is in Montana
banned in canada: same with walt disney and henry ford
ParadoxInnaBox: Except they don't spend their spasre time killing Jewish people
ParadoxInnaBox: I think
banned in canada: nope, they did
ParadoxInnaBox: Unless I'm getting the wrong message from the Lion King
ParadoxInnaBox: "Simba... you must... killallthejewishpeople..."
ParadoxInnaBox: "Papa! Nooooo!"
banned in canada: get your american history right, you fucking limey
ParadoxInnaBox: *rofl*
banned in canada: walt disney and henry ford are our most famous anti-semites
ParadoxInnaBox: Mm
ParadoxInnaBox: Like Ghandi
banned in canada: that jew hating bastard
ParadoxInnaBox: Yeah
ParadoxInnaBox: Good thing Jesus took him down before he could do too much damage
banned in canada: with his lightsaber-wielding action
ParadoxInnaBox: ...
ParadoxInnaBox: Jesus used a fucking chainsaw
ParadoxInnaBox: Didn't you ever play Doom?
banned in canada: I didn't unlock that mode
banned in canada: I only had Suicide Bomber Lazarus
ParadoxInnaBox: *laugh*
ParadoxInnaBox: Well if you beat the game
ParadoxInnaBox: You play as Jesus
banned in canada: that seems so wrong
ParadoxInnaBox: Man that would be a sweet game
banned in canada: ...yet so right
ParadoxInnaBox: Jesus-Doom 3: This time, it's personal
banned in canada: because the zombies have taken god hostage
banned in canada: and jesus must descend into the deepest pits of iraq to liberate him
ParadoxInnaBox: And that damn Iraqi terrorist Ghandi
banned in canada: the fucker
banned in canada: he's a boss
ParadoxInnaBox: He just kind of sits there
ParadoxInnaBox: And makes you feel bad for being white
banned in canada: stupid nonviolence
banned in canada: I'LL CHAINSAW HIM GOOD
ParadoxInnaBox: WHat has four legs and goes: "meeeow"?
banned in canada: ....gandhi?
ParadoxInnaBox: A dog dipped in liquid nitrogen being saw in two by a power saw
ParadoxInnaBox: I love that joke
banned in canada: ROFLWAFFLE
ParadoxInnaBox: Yeah... Montana is really boring
banned in canada: incidentally, I'm saving this conversation
banned in canada: and making a really awesome LJ post about it
ParadoxInnaBox: *rofl*
ParadoxInnaBox: Can I be included for the money?
ParadoxInnaBox: Or should I saay something like...
banned in canada: ...money?
banned in canada: what is this money of which you speak?
ParadoxInnaBox: You know...
ParadoxInnaBox: LJ...
ParadoxInnaBox: Lemons... Jfor Jsale
ParadoxInnaBox: Wait, that doesn't work
banned in canada: >_<
ParadoxInnaBox: Itsh a troup!
ParadoxInnaBox: And Iy'm nhot Schaun Connery...
So, I'm going to hell. How bout you?