I am sitting here trying to galvanise myself into action (success rate so far? Zilch. Possibly less than that.) So while I prevaricate, here's day two of the meme.
2. What do you like most about autumn?
Autumn's a pretty season. The colours as the leaves turn are wonderful. And it's lovely when we get an Indian Summer in October.
But those are the nice things. What I don't like is the return of dark mornings and evenings, the cold, or the impending promise of long months before the sun comes back. The sun doesn't rise until after seven now and it sets at half past six. That compares to half past four (BST) in the morning and almost ten pm, on mid-summer's day.
When I was a child, Guy Fawkes' night was something to look forward to. In the village where I grew up we used to have a big community bonfire with potatoes baked in the bed of it. But there're not many young families around where I live now, so it's years since anybody asked me for "A penny for the Guy?" (which, given inflation, would be more like a pound now).
Hmm... it appears that I am feeling winter-sluggish and negative about the whole thing. I'm going to go and jump up and down until the energy comes back. *nods* Motivation; that's what I need.
The rest of the month's questions can be found under the cut
on day 1's post.