Jun 16, 2020 10:36
I'm late posting, so I'm just going to go straight for it today.
16. If you had to create an alias or pseudonym for work purposes, what name would you use?
You mean besides 'President supreme with total power over all existence'? Hmm...
Interesting question. This presupposes a situation where work is a solitary thing, without colleagues who would see you, work with you and know who you are. Oh, or that you're an actor. Because otherwise you are actually creating a second identity, rather than a pseudonym.
The possibilities are endless. I doubt I would be silly - like tattoos, you would need to know in advance that you would be happy to live with the choice for a long time.
Let's assume we are talking about writing for publication. Would I chose another, ordinary female name, go with initials so my sex is unknown, or take the further step of using a male name?
Again, it depends. I wouldn't use a male name. To do so would feel like giving in to the patriarchy. I understand why women have done that in the past, but now? No.
But I might use initials. If I was writing for publication I would want people to read, possibly to buy what I had written before they had had a chance to read it. Initials prevail over prejudice. The prejudice that says a man can't write a romance novel or a woman can't write science fiction. Because people do have those prejudices. And the only way to help them get past them, is to slide into their world by a side door before jumping up in a big reveal.
But what name? I don't know. I like my own name, but I wouldn't use that to publish a novel, or even a magazine article. I do like to keep my private life private and publishing your name is not the way to do that. Once you put your name out there, especially if you are successful, then other people feel they own you. You could never express an opinion without being jumped on.
I think I'd make up a name that had a nice sound. A.J.Jac, D.Tanner, Hmm... There's something satisfying about two initials. Three feels like a little too much. It might have worked for Tolkien, but no, not for me. I think I like A. J. Jac. Look out for it folks and if you ever see it on the front of a novel... let me know because you can be certain it's not me *g*
It occurs to me I should do what others are doing and post the rest of the month's questions below each post, for reference:
17 If you were chosen to be the first human to make contact with aliens, would you want to?
18 Would you rather travel a hundred years in the past or a hundred years in the future?
19 When you take a shower, do you let the water warm up before you step in, or do you turn the water on after you step in?
20 What quality makes you feel fierce and powerful? How does that quality manifest itself in your life?
21 At the summer solstice, the light begins to lessen. What in your life would you like to see decrease in the coming months?
22 What was your favourite piece of playground equipment when you were little?
23 Chocolate or vanilla? Or something else?
24 Have you ever deleted a post on social media because you had a low percentage of "likes"?
25 Do enjoy “roughing it” types of vacations such as camping or hiking, or are you more of a five-star hotel/cruise sort of vacationer?
26 If you could become new “side character” in any novel, which novel would you be a part of?
27 When you mentally go to your “happy place,” what does it look like in your mind?
28 Do you prefer working along or as part of a team?
29 What is your least favourite musical band? Why don’t you like them?
30 The year is half over now. What’s been the highlight of 2020 for you so far?
monthly meme