Jan 29, 2009 17:36
Unsurprisingly, prison is boring. Thanks to Superman's interference, I had my iPhone confiscated. (When the guards tell you they are going to use tasers, they're being serious. I was hoping maybe they had started making that threat as a joke. Not the case. Ow) Fortunately, money still makes the world go 'round and I had another brought to me.
There are twenty-seven floor tiles in my cell. They are an exciting shade of beige. The walls here are stone, so I'm lucky to get an Internet connection at all, and the one I have is so shoddy that it's taken me thirty minutes to write this much, since a message keeps popping up telling me I'm disconnected. If I wasn't clinging to this thing so desperately, I'd throw it at the wall.
The food is still terrible. The orange jumpsuits are still ugly. I see a lot of people I recognize from my last stint here. The rate of recidivism in this country is really appalling. I have thus far not been threatened for money, possibly because there are several people here who remember what happened to the last person who tried that. I'm starting to unconsciously think up esape plans just for something to do. It's either that or start doing math problems, and I'm worried that will thrust me into A Beautiful Mind level of crazy.
i am so bored,
superman is a dick