Oct 30, 2011 23:10

[When the camera turns on, it focuses on Kurt, who is sitting with his back against the door of what was most likely a tea room before this event started. He's just sitting there breathing, supporting himself. He had a nice, soft Andrew Mackenzie blazer on before he got there, but now it's wrapped around his waist, trying to prevent himself from bleeding to death before the event ends. An encounter with a certain big bad wolf already ruined it (as well as the dark turtleneck beneath it), so there's no sense in trying to preserve it now. But it's thin for a blazer so the blood shows through, marking where he's been wounded.

It hurts. It hurts a lot, but he isn't dead yet. No, fueled completely by terror he was even able to sprint here, but once the immediate danger and adrenaline were both gone, he slumped down. There was no motivation to find anywhere else to go (not when there are wolves out there, and definitely not when they could be anyone), so he tied up his wound and stayed. Each second seems twice as long when you're staring at a wall and waiting for a event to end though.

Suddenly, he notices the subtle blink of the camera, and pales. He knows what that means, and now could possibly be the worst time for a post like this? What if a wolf sees, what if someone comes to kill him, what if Dean -

Trying to be as quick and silent as possible (neither of which he really accomplishes, being in a huge amount of pain), he unties one of his Doc Martens, slips it off, and pitches it at the camera, effectively killing the transmission.]

[ooc: Set after his first thread with Dean is complete. Also, Santana has dibs on killing him, so any other tags are assumed to be before she gets a hold of him. ♥]

rabbit doubt event, accidental video post, santana, blood stains are a bitch, ow ow ow, hurt badly, event, busted!, never trusting anyone again, dean, that blazer was brand new, wolves everywhere, dying slowly

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