Oct 15, 2011 22:38

[Roleplaying can be so demanding. Especially when characters are interested in things that the player knows nothing about. Like fashion! And moisturizing routines! And interior design! And Beyonce! That, on top of being someone with such a...strong personality can get very tiring. Of course, it has its own rewards, but it's hard to be in-character 24/7!

Which is why 'Kurt' has snuck off to a tea room with a six-pack of diet coke, a book, and an ipod that is surprisingly not color-coordinated to his outfit. And he apparently has a good song on, because he's shimmying a little in his seat.]

You said fight fire with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desire sire, desire, through your desire

[It's quiet though, and obviously not meant to be a public performance. He hums the rest of the chorus and then doesn't continue, because this is supposed to be an inconspicuous diet coke break. After some debate, he even decides to kick off his shoes, because they're just uncomfortable. He leaves the rest of his costume outfit in place though, and even crosses one leg over the other as one would expect of him, successfully looking like an odd mix of Kurt Hummel and...some other person.

Of course, he doesn't realize the camera is on, and the door is probably wide open too. It's terribly careless. It's like he's asking for someone to come harass him about breaking character or something.]

rping is hard, mm delicious diet coke, this totally isn't chris colfer, event, diet coke is worth breaking character, larping event

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