Y-con part two.

Oct 29, 2011 02:43

I had so much damn fun wearing these outfits. I can't wait to wear them again at PMX as;ldfk.

bitch, please

^made by candice

After AoEx was Homo. 6

bobthetrout took pictures for us <333

It was hot as balls wearing Shion, got back to the room and stripped that shit right off.
Then was drinkin' times. yukari_kaiba and two of her friends (do they use lj?) came over and then dracoprncs1310 was drunk and adorable and also gave me a super great back rub and it was glorious. Then everyone was drunk and it was MORE glorious.

I think this was actually from the night before, but we can pretend.

Then somehow it was Sunday and time to say goodbye to all the beautiful sweet awesome perfect people and go home :c

Wore Hibiya for shits and dicks for a little while.

And Kristin wore Adashino-sensei from Mushishi but I failed at life and didn't have Ginko ready.

Then sadly we had to say goodbye to everyone :c I had such a great weekend and got to spend time with so many great people it really just filled me with such love a;lsdfk. How cheesey does that sound but I really mean it. I love you guys <3

Looking forward to seeing everyone again at upcoming cons, as well as people I miss that couldn't make it to Ycon <3

OH and when I got home:

Package from gokumew2!! Sadly Kuro didn't make it in time to go to con, but I'll bring him to PMX. In the meantime. CUDDLING HIM FOREVER. Also cuddling that fucking incredibly hot new Inumog book.

con, cosplay

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