Yaoi Con aka AoEx Con aka No. 6 Con

Oct 28, 2011 01:27

Seriously, there were THOUSANDS of AoEx and No.6 cosplayers there. A;asldfkjsd brb unoriginal as fuck.

So we left SUPER late on Thursday, about 3 AM and drove straight to San Francisco. I was awake the whole time despite best efforts to doze. By the time we hit San Jose I was pretty delirious.
JOY OF JOYS got to the hotel and checked in. Spied on bisouspapillon in the lobby until she saw us then we all went back to the room to wait for dracoprncs1310 to get in. Also I took the most glorious shower in my 26 years of existence. After Kristin got to the room we decided that naps were for chumps and went to Nijiya for lunch and cracked open some beers.
Went and hung out in Eve's room while she finished up an ouftit and watched Some Movie About Lions. Only I never saw any damn Lions.
Suddenly it was night time and then Kristinjuurou and I wore Gakuen Basaras.

Then went back to the room and tried pretty hard to get drunk. Failed. Then we all crashed pretty hard around midnight. Slept like shit, woken up by two really small earthquakes which nobody else felt lmfao. Slept like shit some more and then suddenly out of nowhere it was fucking 10 AM and I was one groggy motherfucker.

Saturday was Day of a Thousand Outfits.
After waking up groggy as balls, somehow managed to put myself into Katsura (o yeahhh). Went and did a photo shoot with eeveil and ran into a totally sweet Bansai and Shinpachi.

Delicious Takaslutty thigh.

After Gintermers I forget what happened. I think I changed into Gau to play with Kristin's Raikou.

napkins did photos for us! Very excited to see the rest of the set <3

After that put on Natsume for shoot with astrokittie as Matoba and then pestered Eve into putting on Tanuma. Also found a Natori. napkins was the best photographer ever and took some cool shots. She even climbed down a rocky river bank to get shots of us on a bridge. We feared for her safety.

SO excited to see the rest of the Natsume shoot aaaaah. Also Chira is gonna cosplay Taki at ALA. She has no choice :|

After Natsumeing went back to the room to change into Ao no Exorcist. Also, pretty much forgot to eat anything the entire day.

ALRIGHT I planned on getting the entire thing into one post but I'm feeling rather lazy and also rather stuffed up, so gonna wrap myself up in a blanket and watch some Natsume on DVD. Part 2 tomorrow~

con, cosplay

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