Jul 15, 2011 21:34

So here's home sweet home for the next month. Flight went by REALLY quickly, watched some ass-horrible movies, sat next to an older Korean lady who was pokerface the entire 11 hours. Korean Air is a great airline. They give you a little pouch with slippers and a toothbrush +toothpaste for the flight. Food was good, stewardesses were hot.
Took forever and a day to get from airport to my room but when I finally did. Not five minutes after I set up shop THERE.IS.A.FUCKING.EARTHQUAKE.
Not the biggest one I've ever felt, by far. But still enough to scare the living piss outta me. For real, I'm all alone here, and that just made it seem that much scarier. We get earthquakes all the time in Cali, but this really freaked the shit outta me. It was shaking for a long time, or maybe I was just shaking.
Anyway, I was gonna go to sleep but now I'm a terrified mess. Tomorrow needs to get here so I can pay my rent and go spend my worries away on porn.
PS there is NOBODY HERE in this guest house. I've never seen this place so deserted. Sob. I wonder if all the gaijin ran away after the big one in March..

japan, japan 2011

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