evening all. well. morning.
taking a little break out of my hectic fantabulous uber camp schedule to give you present updates. sham is a little gem he pissed on jonahs bed. he says it was an accident but i know my boy. he'd dead small, he's a picture of him mauling me none the less-
look how mental he looks. tyke. i dunno, i must have made some vague social faux pas like stopping him chewing on the remote. Micheal says he's like a ball of fluff with eyes and don't understand why we got such a little dog. there are three of them though they take up a lot of space. he thinks peach is his mum i think, he follows her about and whines if she gets picked up. i've been calling them all "baby" i hope for their sakes they don't get used to this.pixie has gone and fallen in love with marty, one of my 600 neices, she follows her about and lets marty put a bow on her tail. yes i know. three of them got spoild rotten on christmas reckon theyve put on roughly five stone between them. i've done that as well mind. nothing like yer mams cooking. its almost constant though, shes always making something for someone. right now shes doing us a fry up and she brought me tea in bed. i think she wanted to tuck me in last night, i can feel the strings of her aprons twist tighter and tighter around my wrists. pete loves it though. not the attention i get- attention she gives him, you'd think he was her own. nice that, though, i suppose. he almost cried when he saw his presents, bless him. he got a lot, i think mam was trying to make up for the fact he didn't have anything from his mam and da. no point in telling her he never got shit from them anyway only makes her sad.
i think my nephew grant fancies pete. this disturbs me. hes almost 18 now is grant. hes one of michaels. i guess he can fancy pete if he wants to but suck it up grant the boy is mine. this is what pete got us for christmas (well, the present i can talk about what wont get me kicked in ha)
sad but true ladies im officially off the market. they're setting up a support line like they did after take that split up. bit weird thinking im gonna be married to the little un soon. not like ive been thinking about it since i was 14 or nothing. love him. its an angel feather, if you're wondering, cause hes angel hey? wearing it an' all. I dont mind wearing rings and chains and stuff though, usually sovvies though. christ im northern scum. odd seeing something on pete though, his dog tags and his engagement ring, he dont even wear a watch usually. he has a silver bracelet mum got him for his 21st he wears sometimes i suppose. jonah proper kicked off about that ring. it was our grandads. but dad left it to ME not him so he can fucking sit down and shut the hell up as far as im concerned.
its been a weird one without dad. really fucking weird.
right, im off to buff my nails and shape them somewhere jonah can see. in a bit.