May 29, 2008 14:30

Who: Jayne Cobb, Firefly crew; anyone else
Where: Da Base

Jayne Cobb, mercenary, thug, and general goon, was pelting through the base at breakneck pace, pursued by a small crowd of zombies. The first part of his plan, get to the armory, had gone reasonably well. Most of the guards had been preoccupied fighting zombies and they hadn't stopped him from taking weapons and ammo. In fact, he was now the proud owner of an M4 carbine and many, many grenades. He'd also filled a duffel bag with shotguns, other small-arms, and ammunition. Unfortunately, his plan of getting back before the zombies started killing him wasn't going so well.

And so it was he found himself pounding on Mal's door.

"Captain! It's Jayne! Lemme in, gorramit! I've got a whole packa these crazy things chasin' me!"

He turned and hosed the corridor with bullets, still pounding on the door.

"Dammit, Mal!"

jayne, omg!zombies, simon tam, river tam

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