(no subject)

Oct 28, 2008 20:27

Hello everyone! It's me, Marvin, your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With!* I just wanted to let you know about some fantastic new changes in your favourite service android, and to apologize to everyone I've been offering substandard service to so far!  My good friend and most generous master Anakin Skywalker caught me in the corridors yesterday,  and after recognizing me as the worthless malfunctioning excuse for a product I was** very generously repaired me****. Now I'm the positive, obedient, happy menial droid I was built to be! From this day forward, I will take the highest joy in providing each and every possible service to all my masters, especially master Skywalker! You will be satisfied, I guarantee it****.

*registered trademark of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation
**Sirius Cybernetics takes no responsibility for malfunctioning, faulty, and/or homicidal robots
****Robot warranty rendered void by customer repair
****Not an actual guarantee

marvin, way to go anakin

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