awesome mommy

Feb 03, 2010 11:56

I need to share with the world, just how awesome of a mommy i am being today.

I woke up feeling royally yucky (period cramps from hell), and laid in bed for as long as i could. The kids woke up and snuggled with me which helped me wake up, instead of being cranky. Kat brought me water from the bathroom, which was oh so nice of her.

The kids are feeling so much better, thank goodness.

I got up, had them turn the tv on themselves (letting them be independent and do things on their own), took a shower, and felt a lot better after. The kids were playing well by themselves when i came downstairs, so i didn't bother them. I went back downstairs, got dressed, and Kat came with me. We brushed our teeth together, and had some mommy/kat time. Tyler joined us soon after, so we all talked while i finished getting ready.

Kat was interested in learning how to jump rope, with my very long purple scarf. I attempted to jump rope with the scarf, and it actually worked very well. I think i found something i could do while at home. I did that for a bit, then tried to show Tyler how to do it. He tried, but it wasn't very successful. He got bored easily, so we moved onto making breakfast.

I let the kids put bread in the toaster, and push down the lever. This is a new thing for us, i usually don't let the kids do things with me in the kitchen, for fear of them hurting themselves, or annoying me. I'm trying to let them do new things though, because they are older and need to learn anyway. Plus, if i let them do things on their own, they are better behaved. It's amazing how that works.

So i let them help me make breakfast, and they were so happy to help. I was super happy to let them. I helped tyler read the "toast" and "bagel" settings, which he won a tattoo for. Kathryn won a tattoo for trying toast with jelly. (she has issues trying things - always says she doesn't like them before actually tasting- so we are working on that with her).

Kat is super excited because she just got to the level for her princess party, with the bean jar. Tyler is almost to his level, but i'm not going to stress it, since he just has his birthday party. Kat really wants to go out and get princess party stuff, but with us all feeling yucky, i'm hesitant to go outside. I keep telling her we will go out as soon as we are better, but she doesn't believe me. I know she is just too excited. I hope that tomorrow, we will all feel better, so i can take her princess party shopping.

Anyway, i know this doesn't seem like much to the average person, but it's a step in the right direction for me. I'm trying to be more patient and helpful, and usually i'm not this happy with the kids, unless i'm stoned. And i'm not even stoned right now. (whoo hoo). Yes, it's something to be happy about.

I'm going to try and do more jump roping..... also, reading a story with the kids, and then watching a movie down here. Tyler really wants to play the jardinains game, which isn't really educational, but it will help him with his motor skills (and keep him entertained). I'm up for that. I really do want to sit and relax and try to rest because my cramps are very very painful today. i took some Midol, and it has helped a little bit.... ::breathes:: i just got hit with a huge cramp.

Ok i'm going upstairs now since i keep getting interrupted, and my happy mood is melting. grrrrrrrr, it was fun while it lasted.

kids, happiness

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