Jun 28, 2008 16:07
So I'm here at my mom's house all alone, playing free cell. Last night was killer man. I had four (yes, count 'em, four drinks) at Yardhouse, and then had half a beer at Napa's afterwards. The gravity bong hit that I had at Sera's was fucking monster. Gah. I think I'll just stick to pipes, or at least to passing out wherever I have smoked because I was freaked out after Eric told me his story last night. Poor thing. I know that if it was me though, I wouldn't have been so lucky.
Anyways, life is going well. I feel like a working woman, except not really because it's working with kids...and to be honest, it feels less like a job and more like a good time with middle schoolers. If that makes sense.
I'm broke too because we haven't gotten paid yet, but I guess I'm kinda glad that other people are broke as well so then we don't go out that much, haha.
This weekend I'm going to Stanford cause I have my orthodontist appointment on Monday the 7th, and I wanna go and see everyone there. I guess I'm leaving on Thursday night after work and driving up with my godfather and my godsister, so it'll be cheaper for me. All I'll have to do is buy a flight coming back up. I'm sad that I'll probably miss out on Sera's party and other things going on next weekend, but I'm learning to live with being ok with not going out to EVERYTHING and missing out on stuff. As long as the next times I hang out with everyone is awesome, then it'll be good :D
Peace out kids, I love all ya'll.