Jan 25, 2006 16:27
Baggie is playing with a leaf and hiding it under my bedroom throw rug. And that's why I like cats...they have such great imaginations...they're like small children that never learn to talk. ;)
I've got about 10 mins til I have to go pick up James from campus and then head over to TCC for some good old Anat/Phys II. Next week my work schedule will officially become M-F with Sat/Sun off, then I'll be able to finally settle into the semester and get some real, high-quality work done. So far the whole working-out thing is...well...working out. I'm planning on dropping another size or two before Kelly's wedding in May, and thus far, that looks like it will be pretty simple.
Another thing I am considering is an eyebrow ring. I've always wanted one, but the darn glasses always got in the way. So, let me know if you are for or against this decision (and why).
I guess that's about all for now...Oh, one more thing....Bruce Campbell came in to work today (to get a feel for the Subway life). He came in right in the middle of the Wed. lunch rush (our worst of the week). He stood around for about 15 seconds then got scared and decided to come back at a less chaotic time. Of course, he didn't leave before expressing his amazement at our effiency and mad skillz.
Oh, and I did mention that I finally got the raise I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting for? ^_^
Ok, I really should go now. Adios.