Mar 28, 2006 17:27
k so i have this book. and its basically how i look at life. so i wanted to put it on here.. well my favorite part of it..
"The only theme that resonates throughout the numerous popular life theories is love. Love, in all its fragile forms, is the one powerful, enduring force that brings real meaning to our everyday lives. Of course, I'm not talking about romantic, "kissy-kissy" love, although that is pretty powerful stuff in itself. It's well documented that a broken heart feels far more painful than squeezing lemon juice over a deep paper cut. But the love I mean is the fire that burns inside us all, the inner warmth that prevents our soul from freezing in the winters of despair. It's the love of life itself. It's the voice that says 'Celebrate life, be creative!' It brings with it the passion and understanding that some things in life are worth dying for, but there is so much more worth living for."
yeah i love that part so much.
today i woke up with a 101 fever. SOO random. yesterday after school i came home feeling SO sick. but i just slept for an hr and felt better. then today i woke up with that fever, i went back to bed till 11 and then felt better. soo wierd. oh well.. hopefully tomorrow i can go back to school. because im hangin out with court tomorrow. we havent hung out in so long
then thursday i have work, friday is military ball, then saturday i have work.. then idk what! then sunday i have work haha. craaazy schedual. i love being crazy busy.
baby if i could.. change the world