Oct 25, 2006 17:55
Theres been a lot going on lately. Where do I even start.
I have seemed to refind my love and passion for God. I WANT to go to church. I WANT to read the bible. I WANT to discuss the things I dont understand. and theres a lot I dont understand. I do however understand my depression. I used to go to church 2-3 times a week. When I moved away from Seattle I had stopped going. Thats when the depression started. I think if I start going back God will help to fight that off and make me feel alive again. Its such a good feeling. I cant believe Ive been away for this long.
I leave for Virginia Tomorrow. I cannot wait. It will definately be the best trip of my life thus far. Ill take oodles of pictures :)
So Elliot is on my shoulder dancing to his reflection in my light.....its kinda odd. hes like a 4 year old. whines and complains until he gets what he wants. but hes totally adorable. which makes up for it :)
Well, I better get packing. Ive got a lot to do tonight.