This afternoon we had the AGM of the local cat club. I'm the assistant secretary (i.e., I take the minutes to help the secretary out) - or was until the AGM where I weaselled out of the job as part of my long-term policy of reducing my commitments to various clubs and organisations.
While I was weaselling the club was busy getting ready to present me with a big ribbon and a certificate for being a 'tireless worker'. Awesome! This is no time for modesty; I have been coveting the ribbon since they introduced it and when they recently voted about giving the ribbons out to the junior members only I was vehement in my opposition. Why? Because at cat shows rosettes and ribbons are given out with gusto. Everybody else on the committee - and probably in the whole club - have drawers full of these shiny, colourful things - so many that in many cases they give them back to the club to be recycled. But I don't have a show cat. I work just like the rest of them but nobody every gives me a colourful ribbon or rosette.
Until now!
My PNCC ribbon and certificate
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