A little more light on the subject ...

Dec 14, 2013 08:42

Hedgehogs again! This morning I saw a young hedgehog drinking (and drinking and drinking) from the ground level bird bath just outside the office doors. He was there quite a while, lapping away. A bit later I saw him scouting around on the grass for the leftover dry cat food I throw out there each morning for the birds. When he wandered off to the other side of the lawn I supplemented the leftovers with some more (smaller) stuff that I keep especially for those days when the cats don't have any leftovers and I don't want to disappoint the birds. ;o)

He hoovered through that, too. By this time it was daytime and he didn't show any signs of going off home for a sleep (and when they're young they can be not-very-nocturnal) so I grabbed my camera and started taking photos.

The day was overcast and I was zooming in for the shots so the photos aren't perfectly clear, but I did get a couple of better than usual ones. The daylight certainly helps in hedgehog photography!

Hedgehog - side view

Hedgehog - front view

He was in the yard mucking around for about an hour and while he was here I was able to go outside with him and he would wander past my feet, past both cats, and visited almost every interesting corner of our back yard garden. While I was reviewing the hundreds of photos I took (whittling them down!) I noticed that at least one of his feet doesn't seem to be working quite right and he's walking on the tops of his toes as they are curled underneath his foot. This is not the first hedgie we've had with foot problems but as he can always get a free feed at our place he should manage all right.

~ ~ ~


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