May 31, 2006 21:32
there are three fish tanks where i live. actually, two fish tanks and one plant tank. when i moved in, there was a bohemoth goldie fish living in one and in the other there was a big gray one with spots and stripes and two or three little sparkly ones. i left them with vacation feeders for a week. when i came back, the gray fish was living alone.
i felt terrible. i guessed the gray one ate the little ones. and it creeps me out when one pet eats another. but i felt bad for the him too because he must have been starving.
then, a week later, i was on my way out someplace and just before i left i saw one of the little ones. i don't look at the tank alot and i don't pretend to know their habits. but this not seeing went on for days. later i found out why. when i came home, the little fish was lodged between the filter and the wall of the tank, hiding i suppose. the gray one couldn't fit back there.
this was too much. i got the net and moved him in with the goldfish.
i can't stand the thought of him in there afraid for his life. what if he saw what happened to the others?
i don't know...
he seems to like his life now, though. he loves the goldfish. follows him around all the time.