Title: The Quilt
Pairing: Tonks/Cho/Ginny
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: HP is not mine.
Theme: #04 - Surprise
Note: Set in the same universe as
Empty Promises.
Summary: Cho realizes that as bad as Ginny's illness might get, she loves Tonks and Ginny too much to let them go through it alone.
Ginny was discharged from the hospital in time for Sunday dinner. Tonks tucked her up on the couch and set about making a hot meal -- and a mess out of the kitchen in the process.
They barely noticed Cho's arrival. Her eyes were quiet and her clothes clung to her wispy frame. She looked like she hadn't eaten since Tonks had told her about Ginny's illness.
The three of them stared at each other silently for a long moment. Ginny was the first one to speak.
"Welcome home," she said, finally.
Cho gave Ginny and Tonks a weak smile and clutched the handles of the plastic shopping bag she was holding tighter, as if she was trying to keep the moment from slipping through her fingers and away into the emptiness of the night.
"I bought you a present," she told Ginny, raising the shopping bag slightly to indicate that what was in the bag was meant for her.
"What is it?" asked Ginny, perking up.
"Open it," said Cho, handing the bag to Ginny.
Ginny took the gift and opened it. She let out a soft gasp at the sight of the beautiful navy-and-maroon quilt inside. She pulled the quilt out of the bag and spread it out. Its beauty was even more apparent beneath the living room lights. The base material was dark blue and the squares were made up of an alternating pattern of maroon and a gentle red. Ginny ran her fingertips over the black thread that held it all together. She was speechless with surprise. After a minute, she looked up at Cho, wide-eyed.
"You didn't have to - "
"I'm sorry for leaving," said Cho. "It was rash and stupid of me. I can't blame you for trying to spare me the knowledge, but please don't try to be strong for me. I want to share your life -- all of it. If you'll give me another chance, I promise I won't leave you alone again."
Cho's words were like magic; by the time she had finished speaking, Ginny was openly crying. She weakly gestured for Cho to come closer. Cho obeyed, and moved to the couch, where Ginny was sitting. Ginny patted the seat next to her and Cho sat. The redhead flung her arms around Cho and hugged her fiercely.
"I promise I'll never lie to you again," she said.
A minute later, Tonks announced that dinner was ready. Ginny headed for the bathroom to wash up, but Tonks laid an hand on Cho's shoulder before she could join Ginny.
"Thank you for coming back."
Cho looked at her sadly. "I couldn't stay away. I don't care how bad it might get, I love her too much to let her go through it alone."
Tonks didn't have to say anything. They both knew that she was thinking the exact same thing.
"I love you, too," said Cho, kissing Tonks.
Tonks gave her a slow smile and wrapped an arm around Cho. "I know."