Third Person Sample

Mar 15, 2010 02:03

He was never warned about wandering outside the city limits, but he sure wish someone had. He felt like he'd only walked a couple feet outside of Anatole, but he was already lost. It was incredibly hard to see out here. Well, that wasn't necessarily true. It was easy to see the first four or so feet in front of him, but anything father than that and it looked as though there was a wall of white mist blocking everything. The boy had tried to turn around and go back to Anatole a few times, but it just seemed as though he was getting pulled further and further into the mist and farther and farther away from anything slightly familiar to him.

The boy let out a small yelp as he suddenly found himself flat on the ground, his face in the dirt. He swore that there was nothing that could have made him trip and he wasn't usually clumsy, He used his hands to lift him up and found that there was a rather familiar pair of black boots in his view now. He looked up and there in all his smug glory was Axel, his best friend. The boy's eyes lit up immediately. He knew that they would meet again, he just knew it. He quickly pushed himself up off the ground fully with a grin as wide as can be plastered on his face. "Axel!" He said excitedly, laughing softly. "I told you so." A cocky little smile replaced the full on grin that he had as he reached out to touch the male. Suddenly, though, Axel disappeared. The boy's smile faded instantly and his face took on an expression of confusion; his brows knitted together and his mouth hung agape. "I don't...understa-...Axel?" He called out as he scanned the area immediately around him. How did a person just disappear without any indication as to where they went? Well, he knew that all the Nobodies had that power, but they usually either created a portal that they went through or they hazed out of existence and appeared somewhere else, not just disappeared without any "flashy" effects.

Roxas immediately broke into a sprint, running as fast as his slim little legs could take him. Say what you want about the boy, but when he got his mind fixed on something he was a determined little bugger. "Axel!" He shouted the redhead's name as he ran, his eyes shifting erratically in their sockets as he looked around him. The further he ran, the less he could see though. It seemed as if the mist around him was getting even thicker than it originally was. Suddenly Roxas found himself on the ground again, this time on his rear with his face throbbing rather badly. He felt like he ran into a wall, but as he peered above him, he saw that stupid smirk attached to that wild mane of red hair again and he couldn't help but smile, though it quickly faltered.

"Roxas." The taller male's voice was rough as if he'd been chain smoking for the past few years, but it was music to Roxas' ears. He grabbed Axel's hand as it was offered to him and soon he was standing face-to-face with his best friend once more. "Where have you be-" The blonde was cut off as he was suddenly shoved to the ground, skidding back a bit with the force that Axel used. Roxas let out what sounded like a mix between a grunt and a growl as he stood and brushed his back off a bit before he averted his gaze to Axel's emerald eyes and he simply glared. "What the hell was that for?!" He shouted at the redhead. Seriously? The two had just reunited after not seeing each other and the first thing Axel does is push him to the ground? Not cool. Not cool at all.

Axel summoned his chakrams in a burst of flames and his smirk grew wider as Roxas crouched slightly and summoned Oblivion and Oathkeeper into his hands. Or, he would have if the Keyblades had appeared. He looked down at his hands and noticed that they were surprisingly empty. He didn't really have time to try to figure out why though as he had to drop to the ground to avoid two flaming chakrams coming at his face. Alright, at first he was ecstatic to see Axel, but now he was just pissed. What person in their right mind just tried to kill their best friend for no reason? Apparently Axel did. Roxas kicked himself up off of the ground and instantly leapt onto Axel, tackling the male to the ground and landing a punch square to his jaw. The punch didn't seem to phase Axel at all though and soon Roxas was the one who was under Axel, punches being landed on his delicate face. Each punch felt especially strong, as if Axel had been taking steroids or had been drinking nothing but protein shakes. After the sixth or seventh blow to his face, Roxas let out a guttural scream and used all of his might to push Axel off of him. Blood was dripping from his nose and his cheeks and forehead were throbbing with pain, but he got up quickly and so did Axel. The blonde ran towards the redhead, but found that he just didn't have as much strength as he thought he did. Every time his sneaker hit the dirt it felt as though he had received a blow to the stomach and lost a full night's worth of sleep.

By the time Roxas reached Axel, he simply fell into the redhead's arms. His mouth hung open as he took in deep, long breaths into his lungs. His head was hanging low and his eyes were already closed as Axel set him on the ground, a smirk still on the male's face. "Sleep, Roxas, I'll be here if you wake up." The blonde fought to keep his eyes open, but they refused to and soon they fluttered shut and his body went limp as he fell unconscious, the mist seeming to enclose on his body, wrapping him in a sort-of cocoon.
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