
Mar 07, 2010 11:43

player name: Bobby
your livejournal: lynn_heart 
are you 16 years of age or older?: Yes.

playing here: None!
where did you find us? My friend Chelsea, who sent in an application for Fai, showed me the place. :)

character name: Roxas
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Timeline: Kingdom Hearts II (Twilight Town)
character's age: 15 (see Anything else?)

powers, skills, pets and equipment: Roxas is a nobody, a being created from the seperation of heart from body.  His 'somebody' is the Keyblader Sora, and as such, Roxas' weapons are Keyblades as well.  Keyblades are generally what they sound like - giant keys that are used as swords.  Although they are not sharp, they deal massive damage, and are the only known weapon against the darkness known as the Heartless.

Roxas is capable of wielding multiple types of Keyblades.  While learning about his abilities from the Organization, he wields the Kingdom Key - the most basic form of the Keyblade, and the same as the one given to Sora as well.  However, when in Twilight Town, which is the time frame he is from for this role play, he was capable of dual-wielding by himself, an ability that has never been replicated by any other Keyblader so far. During a heated battle with his old friend Axel, he summoned Oathkeeper and Oblivion, two Keyblades that signified the friendship that Sora had for his friends Riku and Kairi.

Other than his Keyblade, however, he has many other fighting abilities to compliment his swordsmanship.  One such skill is his magic.  While he is not a superb magician, and is more likely than not to set a house on fire while trying to light an enemy, he is capable of calling on wind, fire, water, ice and lightning, as well as basic curative spells.  However, he can only do magic for a short time, as his endurance in magic is not near as strong as his combat skills, and will need elixirs or ethers to keep up with any heavy magic casting.

As well, he has basic survival skills that kick in quickly during battle.  While not overbearingly strong, he is an agile and aggressive fighter, quick to spot weaknesses in the enemy defenses and take advantage of them.  He tries to dart in an attack with speed and ferocity rather than battle head on, although if forced to, he will fight tooth and nail to win.

canon history: Roxas is the Nobody to Sora. A Nobody is a being created when the heart separates from the body, which happened to Sora when he stabbed himself with the Keyblade of People's Hearts in the original Kingdom Hearts game. However Sora did have his heart returned to him shortly after, Roxas continued to live on. Though the two co-existed, neither were complete beings. When Roxas was born he took half of Sora's power, but that's not all he took. Roxas had no memories, neither his own or Sora's. Unlike normal Nobodies though, Roxas has the capacity to understand and feel emotions which he also gained from Sora.

Before Kingdom Hearts II, while Sora was in Castle Oblivion, home to a section of Organization XIII, having his memories restored by Naminé, a memory-witch, Roxas began to discover what exactly he could do and began to question who he was. He was having dreams about Sora and his memories and he of course wondered why exactly. This wass when he began to rebel against Organization XIII, the only sort-of family that he had. Disobeying orders, he stormed out of the headquarters to discover himself and to find Sora. That didn't go over so well and soon he was found by Riku, who was off searching for Sora as well. The two battled and although Roxas seemed to be winning at first, Riku quickly unleashed his full force upon Roxas and knocked the boy out. A man named DiZ appeared and brought Riku and Roxas to the basement of the Old Mansion in Twilight Town, where Roxas was born.

With Roxas still unconscious, DiZ placed him in a virtual reality version of Twilight Town and removed all of the boy's memories and replaced them with new ones. He was now just a normal boy, completely unaware of his past. For quite some time, Roxas lived his life normally and became best friends with three inhabitants; Hayner, Pence, and Olette. However, soon, Roxas began to see Sora's memories and some of his old ones in his dreams and questions who he is once more. Over the next few days, Organization XIII sent Nobodies to attack Roxas and he defends himself from them, his Kingdom Key Keyblade coming to him when he was in dire need. His ex-best friend, Axel, came as well to collect him. But Roxas had no idea who he was at this point and fought him off as well. Going along with these attacks, he begins to notice glitches in the virtual Twilight Town. Time would suddenly freeze and only he and a few others would be unaffected or copies of people would suddenly pop up and attack him. These occurrences confused him even more, until he meets Naminé while exploring the Old Mansion one day and she explains everything to him. She tells him that he is a Nobody and that he was placed in the virtual Twilight Town so that he would be safe until it was time to reunite him with Sora.. DiZ comes and takes Naminé away so that she can't tell Roxas any more, but she tells him that they would meet again, even if they don't recognize each other. She also tells him that reuniting with Sora won't kill him, just make him whole once more.

Soon after this, Axel and Roxas meet for one last time. By now, Roxas' memories seem to have returned to him. Despite this, Axel tells him that it's too late to save him and that he has to kill him. Along with his memories, Roxas' fighting skills has also returned to him, along with his two Keyblades, Oblivion and Oathkeeper. He quickly defeats his best friend and feels deeply sad in doing so, saying that he hopes the two meet again as Axel fades away. Roxas continues on through the basement and eventually comes upon the pod where Sora is kept, sleeping for almost a year now. He willingly begins to fade into his former self, accepting his fate and then Sora awakens, whole once more.

personality: Unlike nearly every other Nobody, Roxas has real emotions. Because he's a special Nobody, however, his emotions are much like Sora's, with only a few differences. Unlike his other, he becomes angry much, much more quickly. He's not necessarily an angry person, just things set him off a bit easier than they would Sora, who's normally a pretty happy individual.

He can become a bit arrogant and even cocky during battle if he feels as though he's winning. He may show off a bit, just to prove that he can. If he's losing however, he'll instantly turn angry and be taken over by it, using all of his might to try and beat his opponent. The boy just does not like to lose.

Though he's only half of a whole being, he seems to be the more logical, intelligent half of Sora. Instead of blindly rushing into things, he is more likely to think them out and try to come up with some sort of solution unless he gets angry, then he just outright does whatever he needs to accomplish without much though to others. He's not one to sit there and just ponder though, he's a "do-er." He gets things done when they need to be done, seeing as he's a bit impatient, though if he doesn't like it then he simply ignores it.

Despite his flaws, Roxas is Sora at heart and that means he's a kind person. He's very friendly and will do pretty much anything for his friends. He likes to have fun and most of all, he likes to have those small moments where he can be carefree. He thinks there's nothing better in the world than not having to worry about the whole Keyblade and the worlds being destroyed business. He misses when he was oblivious to everything and was just a normal kid in digital Twilight Town when the most he had to worry about was getting his homework done for the next day.

why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting? I feel as though Roxas is appropriate for the role play mainly because, minus the enemies in Kingdom Hearts obviously, he's the most "hardened" of the Kingdom Hearts cast. Sure, he's never dealt with any psychological horrors before, but he's a strong character that can do more than hold his own when put in dire situations. He's traveled to many worlds during his time with Organization XIII, so he easily adapts to new situations as well. Though he's never dealt with anything quite as macabre in a world before, I think it'd be quite interesting to see how he reacts to everything and the interesting situations he would be put in.

Writing Samples
Network Post Sample:

Video Entry #1

[The image of a seemingly small boy pops up instantly. The boy has wild blonde hair that looks a bit windswept and large, friendly light blue eyes. He smiles a bit at the camera and offers a stereotypical wave.]

Hi there! Not sure...what this is exactly, but I know it's recording me so...yeah. I assume someone else will be able to see it eventually. Maybe. I don't know.

[The boy's eyes seem to be scanning over the device that he's using, trying to get a feel for it. The images quickly shift and it seems as if the Forge is falling for a second before a hand is slapped over it and it's set back on the table where it was before. This time the boy's eyes are a bit wider and he looks relieved.]

That was close. Anyways...I'm not sure where I am. Last thing I remember was being in the mansion and...being absorbed into...Sora.

[The boy's name comes out softer, as if he was remembering it as he was speaking it. He looks to the left for a moment and then to the right.]

I don't think I'm where I'm supposed to be.

[He sighs softly for a moment and reaches forward, grasping the Forge before the image turns black.]

Third Person Sample:
You know, for giving his whole self up, being inside of Sora wasn't too bad. It was warm, a bit dark, and more or less comfortable. He was relatively happy, which was nice for a ch- what the hell was that? His eyes, the eyes he didn't think he was supposed to have, opened suddenly as he heard the sound of metal hitting the floor. He was met with a rather bland image at first. The ceiling of the apartment was white, a white that kind of hurt his eyes at first, but his eyes quickly adjusted.

Well, this was certainly strange. Roxas expected to be, y'know, kind of nonexistent at this moment, not in a perfectly average room. Was this what the inside of Sora looked like? Probably not. The boy wiggled his little toes to make sure they still worked and threw the covers off of himself, happy to see that he was fully clothed in what he last remembered himself in, his casual Twilight Town garb. He sat up and stretched his thing arms high above his head and let out what sounded like a mix between a yawn and a slight growl. You know, that weird sound that some people make when they stretch, that's what it sounded like.

He got out of bed and walked quickly over to the window, pulling back the drapes and staring kind of blankly at what he saw. There was no sunset like he was hoping for. Even if this wasn't his room, he thought he was still in Twilight Town. That the whole sacrificing himself so Sora could be whole again thing was all just a dream, but apparently it wasn't. He certainly wasn't where he thought he was supposed to be though, this wasn't the inside of Sora and this certainly wasn't Twilight Town.

He turned and leaned against the window, thankful that it didn't suddenly open and lead to him falling to his death. His blue eyes scanned the small apartment and he came to the conclusion that it was small, yet cozy. It wasn't extravagant or anything, but it didn't look like it belong in the slums, which he was happy about. His brows raised and a curious look came upon the male's face as he spotted something on the nightstand that he hadn't noticed before.

"What's that?" He asked himself as he went over to inspect the foreign device, the Forge.

Anything else? I was wondering if I could possibly get an age up for Roxas. Not a drastic one, but could I change his age up to seventeen if at all possible? It would just make me feel more comfortable since the role play is rather mature. :)
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