Mar 07, 2003 00:32
I've been a nurse for 3 years, and prior to that, a CNA for about 5. I've had pt's die before, but not infront of me. I've been around death. Had some really interesting experiences with death.. but again, never had a pt die on me.
I've been on 4 codes, 2 at Mercy, and 2 here, however I was ON them, not IN them. I was either an observer, or just there, but NEVER have I called one, or actually been IN a code.
Niether one of these statements hold true anymore. 3/3/03 took care of that.
I don't know why I worked A weekend. There is no answer for that. I got schedueled and I worked it. No big deal for me, because by working this extra weekend, it free'd up my regular weekend, thus allowing me to leave sooner for Europe. With 5 surgeons gone, we were SLOW. In fact, if it wasn't me being in charge, I would of floated.
Mr M, a 74 y.o. pt of Dr. p's with a cardiac history, DM, history, was admitted for back surgery. He was taking alot of ms contin-up to 300 mg/day, and was a very slow moving pt. He always said 'just wait a minute' when we started to turn him or get him up. Wasn't very motivated. Cute, with his white hair sticking up in the front, and alert-he knew my name. He had a foley in, NO IV (we d/c them a.s.a.p. here). When I came on shift on Sunday at 1900, I walked him in the hall and tucked him in .The LPN gave him some MS contin, which made him goofy, so I decided to hold off any more... during the night. Tucked him in, and hiw wife left. He said he wasn't going to make it through the night.. and I said "of course you are." And the night wore on.
Routinely, I check my patients every hour, and chart every 2. He slept good all night long which was not his norm. I checked on him, and he was fine-breathing. I and another RN turned him at 0400. He said "wait a minute" and we tucked him in again. IT was a SLOW night, and we had 3 nurses total on. At 0500 I walked by, and he was o.k. Although he didn't look "right" he was fine at 0500. I know that. At 0550 I was at the front desk, awaiting staffing to call for the places my staff was going to float to during hte day. Dr. W. came in, in a suit, and I said Hi to him. Staffing called, I went to tape report, and noticed I needed a kardex, so out I came, and heard the code blue light. I ran to 9714, and noticed it wasn't a "false alarm". I ran, over and called the code. PG was in the hall, and I told her to grab the cart, She didn't know where it was (new nurse on unit) so I ran, grabbed it, but it was plugged into the wall-- i pulled the cord out 8-), Ran into the room, and placed the pads on him. The next few minutes are a blur. I started doing compressions on him, and this was the first time i have done compressions on pt, or anyone else for that matter. Another person took over for me, but then one of the ER doc's told me to get back on. The monitor showed a flat line. The time 0601. THe first epi was given at 0607. Time was ticking. The code was called at 0620. Everyone left, and the room was a mess. PG and the resource Rn helped me clean up and take care of hte body. Dr. W. called the operator and filled out all the paper work. The wife was called, and she was comming in. THe wierd thing, is I know he was with us, during the code, and his body changed so much after in appearance, and in feeling, that I know that he left at that momenent. Very surreal experience. Very Surreal. I took out the ENT tube, nad it was just kind of odd, and when we turned him to take off the other Fib pad, he had the death rattle that echo'd--as if he was trying to talk. My adrenaline was running, and i was pretty much beside myself.
I had monday, and tuesday off, and came back to work on WED. My fellow staff workers, have been MOST excellent and supportive. In fact, they continue to be helpful. Even Dr. W's, extender sent me an e-mail and talked to me in the am. to make sure I was doing o.k. I am.
Of course I had room 14 last night and tonight. It's odd to walk in, a little creepy, but o.k. One has to get back on the sattle and try, try again.