Sometimes I really hate talking to my dad because he's so stubborn. In the same way I suppose I should try to understand why people get frustrated talking to me sometimes. After a certain amount of deliberating you will start to go around in circles- the only thing you can do is wait for the O's results to be released, then decide from there. If Min can make it to JC, then she has two choices: JC or Poly. If she can't, then the choice is obvious- Poly. The bad side of going to Poly is that she doesn't know what she wants to do- what if she chooses something she regrets? The bad side of going to JC is that it's more academically-inclined but really, is that a bad point? After all, she's good at mugging, she has a hell lot of motivation. Yes, if she does badly in JC she might not go to Uni- she'll have to go to Poly. You can see that as a "waste" of 2 years but you can see it as buying time so that she can know herself better & eventually make a more informed decision about what course to do in Poly. WHAT IS TWO YEARS OF HER LIFE TO YOU? The guys are 2 years "behind" the girls in Uni too because they have to serve NS. Are they at a loss? I don't think so. I absolutely cannot comprehend why you say it's "bad" to be "behind" people. WHY DOES IT MATTER? It's not as if it's ten years. Narrow-minded. Just because your other daughter doesn't lead a charmed life like the rest of your perfect family. When things don't go your way you kick up a big fuss about it. (Just like me, unfortunately- although at least I am willing to acknowledge it.)
Mom should also stop making the mistake of assuming Min doesn't want to join us for family meals. STOP assuming, if you all continue assuming she is never going to change she will NEVER change, don't you get it?
I'll just sit back, relax, & make sure I don't repeat the same mistakes with my own children.