Geeking out, hardcore styles

Apr 05, 2008 08:54

So many of my boxes turned up from The Internets *and* scarlettraces made the mistake of mentioning to the owner of the Geek Shop 'Hey I like your manga but why don't you ever discount any of your older stock, there's series here I'd like to own but it costs too much." 30 minutes and $571 dollars later, we are staggering out of the shop, shell-shocked at how much we have just bought. We got to my house and I lined up all my new books from this week : 36 volumes of manga.

My god, I don't get to spend anything on fun stuff for all of April and most of May. So it will be Film Soc and Yoga and general poverty until this is all paid back.

And then late last night I realised that I haven't logged anything in my Librarything catalgoue for months, and what with the sell-offs and the trades and giving random books to my family + never having actually managed to catalogue my entire collection, it's all muddled and not representing my shelves at all. So I deleted everything and I'm re-entering. Luckily the ISBN system is working for me now [didn't use to] so it won't take forever. I am also taking this opportunity to re-cull my remaining collection and I will post another Sale List soon.

So you can take advantage of the combination of laziness and geekdom that represents!

i geek hard, manga, books

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