Oct 22, 2006 22:56
So I think my brithday is worthy of my actually updating my liejournal. This weekend was what I needed. I had been feeling like everything was routine and i was just circulating from week of school to weekend of work and homework only to go back to the week of school. i wasn't really sad or anything it was all just so routine and i felt like life was ..well..boring! But this weekend was exactly what the doctor prescribed. wow. Lets recap shall we??
Friday mmorning the day we "celebrated" my brithday at school I woke up to find my front yard trashed with candy and decorations and baloons that looked like penises. There were hoola hoops in my lawn that spelled "HI" haha and it had rained so evvverything was soaked unfortunately. But the thought was SO nice and I can't thank Mia Linds Alex or Alex enough!
Then I proceeded to go to school and I didn't mindn it because people are always extra nice to you on your birthday and its kindna funny to see who says annything to you and who doesn't. But nonetheless, it wasn't a bad day and the week had been so much of hell that i was just glad it was over.
So i got out of school and headed home to get ready to go out. Wyatt picked me up around 7:00 and we headed to Haloween USA to look at stuff and weren't very amused so we left and headed to Red Robin for dinner [NOT Blue Jay's haha] So we had dinner there and it was crazy amusing because our waiter was gay and I think wyatt wanted to tap that ;) haha
We left the restaurant annd decided to head into Easton to walk around for a bit and after seeing Stephanie Himes, which was a bit awkward for me for some reason, and then seeing Khoy, Teresa, and Robert Zando we decided to head to the fountain. It was basically freezing outside but we sat there and talked for about an hour. We made wishes and threw pennies into the fountain [and mine even came true!] and then before we caught pnemonia we left. He drove me home, which happened to be the longest way possible because we weren't paying attention to roads, and almost died like 5 times because wyatt can't drive..then he walked me to the door and we ....said goodnight. I had a really nice time though :)
Then i get in and my dad spills the news to me that lindsay and anne are coming to kidnap me--way to go dad. So I call them and they are "mad" at my dad cuz I wasn't supposed to know and they tell me they will be here at like 1:00 to get me so i head to the basement to call chelcie and tell her about the night and i hear little footsteps run up the stairs and i KNOW its not my dad running and the mom was sleeping so I knew linds n anne were here "early" so I head up and my dad ruined it AGAIN cuz he told them i was upsatirs..hhaa so i head up there and they attack me and i have to hang up with chelc cuz im dying laughing and i see that they are in bandana's and a huge ski mask and dark clothes. it was hysterical.
we head back to lindsays and spend the night and wake up around 10ish after having watched a friday the 13th movie and most extreme elimination challege and a few wrestling matches in the basement with a side of popcorn and 8 dolllars worth of candy. :) we actually GET OUT of bed at 1:00 because we are hungry. we roll out of bed, looking disgusting and head for steak and shake for breakfast--of course still with last nights makeup, messy hair, pj's, and no shoes :-D once we get out food we head to civic park to eat it. There is virtually no one there and once we are done we start to walk to trail even though it was freezing out and we were barefoot. of COURSE we find a huge patch of grass in the field that is flooded...
So of course i can't pass that up and i take off my rung and take out my cell phone and the other girlls do the same and we start mud wrstling. yes boys. three girls. one mud pit. it was great. i even taught the girls how to slide into a base! it was completely successful. When we were leaving, because of course now we are frozen to the bone and covered in dirt and grass, we realize that our clothes are so soaked that its weighing us down. so we decide to stri[ in the park and drive home in only our underwear. now THAT was amusing. but whats more amusing was leaving and realizing that there was a bee in the car. So it was completely tommy boy style we were freaking out about this bee and trying to get out of the car and get it out. PRICELESS.
we finally arrive at home after an attempt to drive by wyatts house to show him a preview, haha. we realize that we need to shower so we get in the shower. YES we kept our underwear on you pervs, so it was liek showering in bathing suites, but yes again boys, three girls. one shower. haha it was so funny. we get out and change and whatever and lindsay eventually takes me home.
i get home to a house full of family and we head to dinner at red lobster! :) my brother even came in for the weekend as a surprise! after dinner my dad brother and i head into spirit haloween to check it out. once we get home i get a call from brendan saying he is also inn town to surprise me and of couuurse im stoked! :) i have cake with the fam and do cards and whatnot and then brendan picks me up and we head to holiday lanes to go bowling with chelcie and elisa and some other randoms. Brendan brinsg me home around midnight and we say bye cuz he has to go back to college :( and i come inside to collapse on the couch after the best two days of my life.
My birthday was absolutely perfect and its truly what i needed. i think i have my motivation back and a little more energy. Now I just need to kick this cold and headd to the gym tomorrow to continue getting in shape. Hopefully my knee won't bother me. But nonetheless im excited for life again and im finally 17! haha i know. shut up.
but i love every one of my friends and i want to thank you all for everything you did this weekend. you're absolutely perfect.
yay for brithdays! :-D