Dear Festividder

Oct 24, 2014 21:35

Dear Festividder,

Thank you for offering to make me a vid. I hope you don't regret it! Some details about the fandoms I've requested:

* Things I have been requesting every single year:

Night Watch (2004) & Day Watch (2006) -- A pair of urban fantasy blockbusters from Russia with great visuals and great atmosphere, utter creepiness and shameless absurdity, vodka and pig's blood, spider-legged dolls, body swap, canon gay, prophecy, and the ultimate struggle of light versus darkness trasmuted into a cold war and complicated by real people's lives. If you don't speak Russian, I recommend the version of the movies with animated subtitles, which are highly expressive and would be cool to see worked into a vid if you so choose.

MacGyver -- Young Richard Dean Anderson saves the day! This show is my happy place, and makes me want to study engineering. MacGyver is like a reverse James Bond in all the best ways. He's not a slick, dangerous, oversexed, gun-toting, suit-wearing maniac with all the gadgets. He's an earnest, goodhearted guy who uses science and creative thinking to improvise non-violent ways out of any sticky situation. I would love a vid celebrating MacGyver's unique talents and adorkability. One caveat: I love nearly everything about this show, but I'm not super wild about Murdoc.

* Things that only came out this year:

Halt and Catch Fire -- To my shame, I have not posted about this show at all. This handsome period piece can't decide if it wants to be a prestige drama, a soap opera, or a "let's put on a show"-type story about the computer industry of 1983, but I don't really care because the characters are so enjoyable. Front and center is Joe MacMillan (Lee Pace), a charismatic sociopathic woobie disaster zone. (He is also bisexual and sometimes gratuitously naked, if that's your pleasure.) He has genuine pain (for one, his dad is basically Lionel Luthor), but if he's crying in the rain, that's a sure sign he's lying through his teeth to manipulate you. Then there's Cameron Howe, hacker grrl and homeless punk. She's swaggering, ambitious, and self-assured, and (to Joe's hilarious dismay) So Not Impressed with other people, but she's also curious, vulnerable, and badly in need of friends less fucked up than she is. As much as I love Joe and Cameron individually, I do not ship them or want a vid that is primarily about their relationship. Last but not least is Donna Clark, who (in contrast to the other two) is kind of perfect. Hardware engineer, mother of two, snappy dresser, people skills, and more of a conscience than basically anyone around her. Her story can be a depressing one, given that her story is in a large part about sexism and a troubled marriage, but I would love anything about her nonetheless. An ensemble vid would be lovely too.

Gotham -- Only a few episodes are out yet, so I don't want to pin you down by making any specific requests. I only ask that you show off the Burton-esque whimsical and fantastical aspects of the series. As usual with Batman, I love all the villains and the villains- and antiheroes-to-be, the sense of the city itself, and the relationship between Bruce and Alfred. I've been posting about the episodes as I watch them, but really, don't consider yourself limited by what I talk about here or in those posts, because any angle or focus you choose will make me happy. I can't wait to see where this show is going or what vidders will do with it. Oh, and don't feel compelled to wait for every last episode; if you know exactly what you want to make with footage you already have, that's fine. If you want to incorporate outside source from other Batman movies or comics, that's also fine by me.

* Things that are also about Batman:

Batman (Adam West) -- This show brings me joy, from its inspiring theme song to its most abhorrent villains, but what would bring me most joy in a vid is the sidekicks in any way, shape, or form. Robin and Batgirl are my darlings, and I love watching either one of them being heroic, or both of them being heroes together, or with Batman, or being goofballs, or being damsels in distress, or being shipped with anyone at all. I always dig Alfred too, so if there's a vid to be made of him, that would be delightful.

* Things that are short but awesome:

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: "The Dove Affair" -- No, the show is not listed as a safety, but I am dying for an episodic vid of "The Dove Affair", which is a stand-alone fifty minutes of old school slashy subtext and spy hijinks between Robert Vaughn and Ricardo Montalbán. It's stylish, sexy, and laugh-out-loud funny. I ship Solo/Satine desperately, and any vid you could make of them would make me happy.

They Live (1988) -- A movie with a subtle but compelling message about class and consumerism. Can you spread this important message? Or are we going to punch each other in the face for fifteen minutes straight? Sunglasses and a bubblegum refill will be awarded to anyone who vids this for me.

* Things that are not short, not new, not about Batman, and not even exactly good, but ought to be vidded anyway:

The Lost World (1999 TV series) -- Marguerite Krux. In the canvas skirt and the button down and that Indiana Jones hat. And occasionally the veil and the pistol. Heart of gold, surface of anything but. I also like Veronica Layton, warrior woman, and would not be averse to a femslash or friendship vid about her and Marguerite. Also, DINOSAURS. No Marguerite/Roxton, please.

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tv: the lost world, festivids: dear festividder, tv: gotham, movies: night watch, tv: man from u.n.c.l.e., movies: they live, tv: macgyver, festivids, tv: halt and catch fire, tv: batman

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