This is going to be a blog about reflecting on all the things in my life I can be happy and thank God for
and in the end I go off on a religious tangent, so I'm putting it all in the cut in case you don't want to read religious stuff.
I thank God that:
- I'm under 124 lbs and that my body is perceptive to lose more weight and unlikely to plateau for a few weeks.
- I get paid to dance, and its a great workout
- The studio that I subbed at called me back for more jobs. Teaching dance at a studio has been something I'd always wanted to say I've done.
- I have other jobs every now and then, but not so much work that its overwhelming.
- That this work year with dance is turning out to be better than last year
- I am going to be a home owner of a lovely place. Even though I'm only 23.
- I have a great car, even though I didn't deserve it. I crashed my first car earlier this year, and ended up getting a way better one in the end for an incredible steal.
- I have access to a great church with a hilarious pastor
- I get along with the people at work and my boss, and some relationships have turned out better than they were.
- I am married to a hard working, respectable man.
- I get alot of freebees in life that I don't necessarily deserve from my parents, family, and family friends
- I'm going to see my brother soon when he flies into town, especially since I haven't gotten to see him yet this year
- My relationships with my siblings and my parents are pretty good
- I don't have any kids and my birth control works fantastically. mega thanks God! I think we both know I'm not ready for that just yet...
- things are not going badly financially... I mean, hey we're getting a house! That's more than the a lot of people can say nowadays.
- I can get excited about my dream closet/office room. Even though it won't be perfect right away, it'll become a reality soon!
- My mom is giving me my old desk for my closet room
- I have very generous parents
- I can host christmas or thanksgiving this year and a have my first housewarming party! Hosting has been something I've always wanted to be able to do, but I'd never lived in a big enough place to do it.
- Buying our new house has been such a smoothe process, and we've had honest sellers who seem to be pretty good-hearted.
- I don't have any enemies right now, and forgiveness has already entered my heart to at least some extent
- I get to wake up late tomorrow morning!
- this is going to be an easier week than last week
- I was able to calm my husband today, and we didn't get into a bad fight even though some unexpected things happened and we totally could have fought stupidly over it.
- I have a lot of clothes, shoes, and nail polish that I really like
- my health and my husbands health is good. my family seems to be doing pretty okay as well.
- the weather is going to start cooling down just a little bit this week.
- I can talk to God whenever I want, and not be afraid. and I can depend on him. He reminds me that this life is temporary, and even though the things I might have in this life are nice and help this life pass with a little more happiness, they're really just temporary things that I won't be able to take with me to the grave. I'm reminded that because of my faith, I have a hope in something more meaningful that will last today and on to eternity. I'm thankful that it hasn't ever really been completely about the gifts, the car, or the house.. because in every instance where I get THINGS, I always feel like God has only done that to show me a part of himself... a part of his mercy and his ability to work in and through all things in ways that just can't be coincidence. When I get gifts from other people, it has never been about the gift itself, but the act of love in their generosity. With God, I feel the same thing. Its not really about the stuff, but the crazy circumstances with which its given, the mercy despite my being so undeserving. I am thankful that God has been my provider, even to the point of providing me with more than I need. He didn't have to do that for me, and I can't fall in love with the stuff, cause I know he can take it away at any moment. I need to fall in love with my God more, because thats what its all about... everything else is just superficial.
I don't know why I feel like bloggin about this today.. I just feel like I went to church this morning and the pastor kept asking the question, "where is your heart?" "Where is your heart?" "WHERE IS YOUR HEART??" basically saying that you can lift up your hands in worship and you can put a big smile on your face, but despite the superficial part of you that you are trying to show the world, where is your heart? Like where is it REALLY? and it really got me thinking... I go through the motions with alot of things in life, but I cant help but feel like I'm living a meaningless life, and thats just the dirty truth. I'm just gonna say it as it is. I've been living my life as though it has no meaning, and I'm sick of it, because I know God. I don't know everything about Him, but I know Him enough to remember that there was a time that I was in love with him, and there is still a part of me that thirsts for him, thirsts to know him, and thirsts to find something worth more than what I've been living for.
This is going to be a good night. I just feel like talking about uplifting things with my husband so I think I'm gonna get off this computer and talk to him.