cw: 122.6
I almost can't believe it... that's 0.2 lbs away from my lw. Haven't been counting my calories at all this week, but I have been very very busy. Every morning and evening this week I had something going on and I spent a lot of time driving in traffic. I got home at 10pm last night after working since 7am and then took a moment to lay down. I blacked out after that and slept for 12 hours. And I'm STILL sore from dancing for 6 hours on Tuesday.
Well... I'm at a point with my weight where if I really started getting on track again, I would see progress. So far I've had about 400 calories.. my goal today is to only have an apple until I go out to dinner. Ultimately, I only want to eat 1200 calories for the day... I can do this. I'm so close to getting under my lw... I have to get on track again if I really want it. Fall is coming up and I want to be thinner than ever so I can wear really cute clothes.
Today I am going to tidy up this apartment, which I have been putting off for over a week, due to this major busy-ness.. so my bathroom is looking kind of scary... I'm actually surprised we haven't had any ant attacks. Then, husband and I are going on a date! I think I'm going to dress up and everything. I'm really looking forward to that.. so I'm not going to eat much today until then because I want to save my calories.
Moving date into our first house will be on October 4th! I can't believe it.. now begins the countdown: 20 more days! This week I will start lightly packing small things into boxes and deep cleaning everything. The place we live at now is so terrible, that its nice to say this is the last time in our lives we will have to deal with certain things. For today, we had to say... this is the last time we have to deal with our neighbors blowing leaves into our area, after we just cleaned it... can't wait to move.
though its still swelteringly hot these days.. the nights are finally starting to cool off a bit. I can't wait for fall. I'm ready to say goodbye to summer.