Jun 27, 2005 23:55
to gh:
gUy siNg'N:
Fuck your father it was all just a good lay for him
Woman wouldya please make the lights dim
I'll take you on a high you've never been
Don't worry dahlin, no air bubbles
There ain't gonna be no baby to do no tumbles
N'd if it breaks (like all things do) count your
blessings that I don't abandon you.
*dont be fooled, guys will really say anything to get in "jus a lil bit"* --jUnE 15. liVe no rEgrEts
--i cant be honest in this lj because half of you i tell one story and the other half another just to keep my shit straight...no one knows the true gavin story, unless youre keenan or jeanie...you know the ones that actually know whats going on...today he called me insecure. yesterday i was his "baby". tomorrow ill be his friend. now i know why girls always wanna hold onto their "b/fs" even if they are miserable...because those two days outta the week that they "love" you...overpower those 5 that they treat you like shit, and you just cant bear to let go of knowing there is always someone there to lean on...you always question why they are with you and not someone else, then you start to think of all the nice things they have said to you, so you have somewhat of a security blanket and then you start to think of all the shit you put up with just to have a title that means nothing at sixteen...you know i think the only one of my b/f's that i truly cared about was arthur, and i know you guys out there that know him, are probably thinking "WHY!!" but he was the only one that didn't dish out shit, excuses, and game...he was the only one to take that extra step and it sucks that I can't have him, but what sucks even more is that i think everyone thats not him has to go, because im still hanging onto the idea of me and my near perfect guy, that will most likely never happen ever again...blAh.
im secretely pissed at gavin because my supervisor was talking shit. i was flipping five minutes late up there, i was clocked in i just had to walk...but yEh i was five minutes late and natalie was like "sarah better show" (i have never not shown...well one day, but i called) and my sup was like "wEll...gavin is off today...." thats so gay!! like i would ever call in again for that fucktard!! NOOO. pAhlease! in fairytales you wanna prince..well when is my skater boi gonna come damnit!! I WANT A FUCKING FRIENDLY BADGE!!
im having jeanie withdrawl..
on july 24-28th me kee lauren and lindsay are going to nolin lake together with no adults...holy shit im soo excited!! but i think the best part of it is going to be catching up with lauren and lindsay...i havent shown them any love lately and i want them to know i care about them. plus lauren and i can show off our cooking skills!!
i hate it when people try to act like they know you. but maybe they act like that because you never show them your true self : /