doing our part (sans enthusiasm) for national economic stimulus

Mar 01, 2011 12:24

'Twas a long two weeks, sans wheels, sans car:
The local bus only runs so far;
The sidewalks are buried in feet of snow;
Carpool to work, or else not go!
Eh, I'm too tired to put the whole thing in verse. Suffice to say, following Mabel's untimely demise (yes, I know she was 14 years old, but...), it was a very stressful two weeks. Thankfully, as of last night we are "wheeled" again -- albeit now on a complete austerity plan in order to pay for it. (On the bright side, we've done our bit for the country's economic recovery...)

En route to work this morning, Fred and I were discussing the fact that despite being a little (and I do mean little) car, as long as it gets us safely there and back again, we're grateful to have it -- hence I suspect it may end up being referred to as "The Hobbit".
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