Title: Leaving summer’s warmth for autumn’s wind. Author
thinkingfoodRating: PG
Pairing/Focus: Jongkey/ Onkey
Summary: Key is finally happy after Jonghyun leaves but when Key finds out that Jinki's best friend that comes to visit is Jonghyun his whole world turns upside down
A/N: this is in dedication to my three dongsaengies
illoveminho, and
neonpickles, my two dears who are
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I was fearing for the end, thought, u would let it end like the vid, BUT NOW I AM SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!
Awe... It is a Jongkey-ending. <33333333333333
Beautiful, my dear, just beautiful...
~Thank u so much for sharing this! *replays the song over and over again*
I couldn't break up the lovely Jongkey it's just unthinkable!!
Yay someone who's happy!!
I'm really glad you enjoyed it
Thank you for reading!!!
*looks around at the other comments* Whoop, true, I seem to be odd for being happy with the ending... *tries to put a new cover over her crazy* NO ONE SAW THAT!?
♥ oc
I dont know why everyone is happy because of the ending- the rest is pretty sad...but- Jongkey getting back together is totally worth celebrating!!!
I SAW THAT! You cant cover crazy... trust me i tried kekeke~
Oh, I had the impression, most of the readers were pretty sad and I kinda fell out of the picture with my happyness, kekeke
(It is my permanent 'JONGKEY FTW!'-mode, I can't put it off... never found a button or a lever...)
ARGH! But what about my reputation? (Just joking, I have no reputation whatsoever, kekeke)
JONGKEY LOVE CAN NOT BE SWITCHED ON AND OFF... its an 24/7 365 days a year kinda love<333
Reputation: Funny Poni, enjoys eating carrots and randomness, obsessed with the duo of perfection (JONGKEY) and is part of the SMUT SQUAD!!... why does this seem kinda like a wanted poster???
Yeah, u're right. But with time, I found out, that there might come some situations up, in which it is highly inappropriate to start talking about the Jongkey... Meh.
AHAHAHAHAHAH, I like that! ♥ (Plus: It is pretty spot on! Are u a shrink per chance?!)
*looks around panicing and hides under a pile of maple-leaves, yellow colored ones, of course*
Hmmm... when talking about Jongkey your inappropriate thoughts never seem far away XDD
How did you guess I'm a shrink, are you a mind reader???? haha being a shrink would be terribly stressful. ON THIS PLANET!?!?! Are you saying your wanted on other planets hmm...??
SO TRUE! ... Jongkey made me come to peace with my perverted side. THANKS FOR THAT BOYZ! Now, how about some french kissing?
I feel like I have said to much... *vanishez in a column of smoke*
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