Nov 11, 2011 14:30
((OOC: oh my god, you guys, what am I even doing? Late intro is so late because of NaNoWriMo and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING, besides. Enjoy :'D Sorry if I derp this up like the derp I am. Also, feel free to add your own character tags. Tag add new/delete and add/remove to entry is set to any user because I am too trusting))
[the feed shows Douglas Cartland blinking in the middle of a random field in the sunlight, shielding his eyes from the sun. He's got his 'gear in one hand and his Shuckle in the other and he's staring hard into the screen]
How the heck do I... how am I supposed to work this thing? Is it like a phone? One of those new video phone things or...
Oh, it's recordin'. Okay. Well uh... not sure if anybody can hear this but I'd really like to know where I am. Some woman gave me lunch and shoved me outside when I woke up this morning, but that's not really important. What I really wanna know is where I woke up.
Hello? Anybody listenin'?
[he frowns]
There's no way this is Maine.
[he resists the urge to say "I have a feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore", because this isn't the time at all]
c: envy,
c: heather mason,
you're not in kansas anymore douglas,
c: sora,
c: cooper,
c: harry mason,
c: henry townshend