app for route_29

Oct 26, 2011 14:41

I am super ridiculously nervous about this like you don't even know. But oh well...

Name: Danie
Livejournal Username: “moonchild10”
AIM/MSN: AIM: xMoonchild10x | MSN:
Timezone: Mountain
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Douglas Cartland
Series: Silent Hill
Timeline: after the Good Ending/ “canon ending”, about a month or so after escaping Silent Hill with Heather.
Canon Resource Links: this wiki page here

Personality: Douglas is kind of a dork, plain and simple. He’s serious and lonely and kinda grumpy at his worst. He’s shown to have a pretty strong will and he will not allow himself to be used, and from what’s shown of him he is stubborn as all hell. Douglas is relatively friendly and seems trustworthy, like a wise old uncle or grandfather.

Douglas is the kind of guy who will trust first, ask questions later. When Claudia hires him to find Heather, telling him that she is Alessa Gillespie kidnapped at birth, he continues to believe her even after running across proof that Alessa died 17 years earlier. It’s not until he actually meets Heather and realizes the truth of her reincarnation and that she was happy living with Harry that he disbelieves that Claudia told him. Though he’s older, he retains a little bit of the sort of faith in people that a much younger man would, and rather than following the standard that trust must be earned, he goes off of the belief that trust is a given but can be broken.

In Silent Hill 3, Douglas is mostly an innocent bystander in the events that take place, though he is a large part of the reason they are set in motion. He is willing to learn from his mistakes and immediately decides to help Heather in any way he can when he realizes that his actions have caused the death of her father, Harry Mason (even if it means risking his life and helping her find and kill someone).

Douglas is also relatively hard to shock. When he learns that Heather is actually Alessa reborn and that she is pregnant with The Order’s god, he takes it all in stride, really only even showing some sort of concern for how they’re going to handle the situation rather than having the kind of panic attack that most normal people would.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Douglas has a strong sense of justice and he is pretty much ultimately good at his core, not sharing the darkness that a vast majority of Silent Hill characters display, despite the fact that he’s jaded in his own way. He is a surprisingly altruistic person, making the decision to risk his life to help Heather after he gets her father killed… but it may also be that he feels guilty. Douglas is, however, also a very gloomy person and gets depressive about many things, such as his son’s untimely death during a robbery. Also, since he’s older, there’s the obvious weakness of… well… not being as strong as a younger guy. He seems to have terrible luck, too. At one point, he is shown pointing a gun at an unarmed Claudia Wolf, and the next time he is shown, he has a broken leg and she is unharmed. That is just rotten luck. He also has pretty low self-esteem and at one point refers to himself as a “penniless good-for-nothing”.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: breeder
Starter: Shuckle
Password: Taco Bell

First Person Sample: (okay if I make this video?)

[the feed shows Douglas fanning himself with his hat, out in the hot sun]

So uh does anything… you know… know anything about makin’ a Pokemon listen to ya? Because I’ve tried everything. The little guy… doesn’t like me much, I think. I mean, he won’t come out of his shell. And I just managed to drag him out from under a log…

[as he turns his ‘Gear slightly to show what he’s talking about, his still unnamed Shuckle is clearly visible on the ground a few feet away, tightly inside its shell. It doesn’t seem to be interested in coming out any time soon]

Third Person Sample: As much as Douglas had tried, he hated Pokemon music. He hated it, hated it, hated it. Currently he was lying on his back in the middle of a field, hoping to God that somehow the insanity of the music would just stop. It followed him everywhere, from the moment he awoke in the morning until the time when he finally dropped off into a thin sleep at night, and often it even followed him in his dreams. The repetitive, not at all soothing music was a part of his routine to the point where it was almost like breathing. There was nothing he enjoyed about it. It reminded him of his old days as a police officer, when the constant crackling static of transmissions on the police radio in his car were like a mantra that drove his slowly insane and made him seriously contemplate turning it off, no matter how many calls that might mean missing. If possible, this was several thousand times worse.

With a heavy sigh, Douglas pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes, the darkness it created welcome after the blinding glare of the sun before. Out in the sounds of nature, the music was slightly easier to ignore than before, but not by much. It had already been a long day, and this and that and everything was starting to catch up to him. Douglas was not a young man, and this assured that most things irritated him pretty easily these days. The hotter and noisier the day, the grumpier it made him, and today was a massive amount of both. It wasn’t that Douglas was a grumpy person, necessarily, which was the mistake that people tended to make when they caught him in a bad mood. He had just started to realize that with great age came great irritability. That was the saying, wasn’t it? Douglas had never been very good with old adages.

route_29, ooc

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