(no subject)

Dec 02, 2008 18:54

life goes round and round like a swirly sky.....

Riley started coming down with a cold Sunday Nov 30th, just a bit of a clear drip and a tiny cough. My red flag went up though since every cold this year has resulted in a hospitalization. So I called Kaiser and made an appointment with his primary care doc for first thing Monday morning. And Monday morning he woke up with quite a bit worse cold, dripping, coughing and a bit of wheeze, I was very glad I'd already made the appointment. So we saw Dr. Clark and turns out Riley has an ear infection and was pretty tight chested. Riley came home with prednislone and amoxacillin, and doing nebulizer regularly. By the time Betty came (she takes them both overnight every monday) he seemed to be doing pretty good so Betty took them both to Santa Cruz with detailed "if this happens do this" papers and meds lined out. Thankfully it was a very uneventful night other than Riley being hyper from all the albuterol. Then this evening Riley starts coughing more, I listen and he's quite wheezy in his lower lungs. Great. I'm just not sure yet if this is getting better or progressing, I guess we will know tomorrow morning. Hopefully the steriods will be working by now and help improve things.

In school news I'm a very very bad procrastinating student. The next two weeks are going to be hell. And its mostly my fault. I have a 5 page paper to write (due thursday) and so far I've got my sources and a bare hint of an outline. Also on Thursday I need to be able to put an IV in a student and pass that check off, plus a nero and abdominal check off, and 3 sets of homeworks due in that class. Then Friday is clinical and next Tuesday is my pharmacology cumulative final (Oh CRAP) then onto other finals... this is bad very very bad. I'm going to spontaneously combust.

sorry no pictures today, had to make this as fast as possible so I can get back to my essay.

riley, school, sick

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