entry 025 - hp

Jun 05, 2010 23:16

Title: Snitch
Summary: Harry's 11-year-old-brain explains why he plays Quidditch.
Characters: Harry Potter
Genre: Family
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note//Disclaimer: For hh_sugarquill , challenge #39. Not mine. No profit being made.

Flying through the air was one thing but what Harry Potter truly enjoyed about playing the game was the whole catching of the snitch part of it. Whenever he caught it, he would get a feeling of exhilaration, which only grew when he could feel the fluttering of the snitch’s wings in his palm. In a way, it tickled him but he let that slide and did a fancy loop in the air, celebrating that in his hand was such a beautiful, golden ball. The cheering of the crowed strengthened his resolve, and when he played, it’s for the snitch.

for: land comm, plot: drabble, genre: family, fandom: harry potter, character: harry potter, rating: g

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