entry 024 - hp

Jun 04, 2010 23:14

Title: Drunken Minerva
Summary: Minerva is drunk and Harry is blushing.
Characters/Pairings: Minerva McGonagall
Genre: Family
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Note//Disclaimer: This is for hh_sugarquill  , challenge 8. I don't own HP or it's characters. Enjoy.

In all of her years of teaching, not once had Minerva McGonagall ever remembered getting completely, obnoxiously wasted. Currently, she was sitting at a bar in some Hogsmeade, sitting with none other than James Potter’s son, Harry Potter. Something she never thought would happen in a million years, truthfully. She was babbling incessantly about the hilarious things that his father and god-father would do to the school on numerous occasions and mumbled about how she missed them all and would undoubtedly miss Harry once he left in just a few short months. As the young man blushed, Minerva giggled childishly.

for: land comm, plot: drabble, genre: family, genre: humor, character: minerva mcgonagall, fandom: harry potter, rating: g

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