prompting-me post!

Mar 19, 2025 17:24

Do you have a prompt you want me to write for you? Use this entry and prompt away! Look on my profile or here (second column in profile) to find out what I write/read/watch and what I ship, and if we have something in common, or not, prompt me with it, and I promise to write it for you! Once I get your prompt, I'll post it here, and when I'm done, I'll give you the link and then post the link here beside the prompt and on my masterlist! Comments are screened! Prompt me with anything, including just random items, a ship/fandom.


That's 70 Show - Hyde/Donna, if Donna didn't get with Eric for lovewithstands
Glee - Puck/Rachel, A thank you for bringing her to the mall for that 'Barbra'-vention. for bringthefate
Supernatural - Dean recognizing the little kids as him and Sam. Coda to 6x19 for cutloosemcgoose 
Supernatural - Rachel! Make up a story for her: how did she become Cas's lieutenant? Why is she on his side and not Raphael's? What did Cas to that pissed her off so bad, Coda to 6x18 for cutloosemcgoose 
Supernatural - Sam has nightmares and Dean comforts him (Teen!boys) for singlemomsummer 
CW RPF - Jared and Jensen live together. Jared is in love with Jensen and gets jealous when Jensen goes on a date, but what he doesn't know is Jensen is trying to make him jealous for singlemomsummer


Supernatural - Sam/Dean - Sam and Dean end up on a blind date together, either set up by friends or they've been emailing each other without knowing...anything you choose by The Huntress found here. Written here.


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