Feb 16, 2006 02:29
Hello, We are 20somethings living in the beginning of the 21st Century.
We're all in the boat. Granted its a big boat, with many rooms and decks and other boatastic things.
But we are.
It's hard right now because we have no answers. Past generations had definites.... things you could not question. A few generations after that you had enlightened youth movements, common goals and common goods.
Now we have a large expanse of endless possibilities... no definite answers. Whats right for me may be wrong for you, and that is ok, that is beautiful. That is what is to be us.
Not to say we are anything specifically special. We did not choose to be apart of T H I S. Past generations had their battles and we have ours, such is life.
As with all time, now is quite an interesting one.
Just so many fucking questions. Living life is seeking answers to questions we'll never have the answers for. Sometimes the adventure is great, sometimes the adventure sucks .......................
I just want to find a purpose a m o n g s t a l l t h e h y p e something worth pursuing. For me. Or maybe for you.