guess what???

Oct 25, 2003 09:04

tee hee hee... (maniacle giggling can be heard) guess where i am... VERMONT. yes that's right, i am in school as we speak. i am so thrilled. it is all i hoped it would be and more. everyone is so friendly. no one goes "Gee, your hair is soooo short..." i just officially registered and got my ID. financial aid is all set. i just have to attend the lectures on my list and study groups. then pick an advisor and a study... easier said than done as all the faculty is great. the only real problem is it is damn cold and the stairs. i have no kneecap in my right knee so stairs and long distance walking are a pain. there are stairs everywhere. most things are accessible with ramps but there are still stairs... i would have brought my cane for support and balance had i known about the steep inclines and stairs... well next time. i already have a list of things to bring next time... small speakers for walk-man, roll of quarters for vending machines, air freshener for room and bathroom, smelly candle for smelly room, small flashlight, warmer jacket... that's about all i can think of off hand. it's not too bad. my room has a funny odor. not a bad one necessarily, just a funny one. bringing air freshener will be better. i am so glad i quit smoking as i am less winded on long walks and i don't have to stand around outside freezing my ass off for nicotine.

i look cute today... white t-shirt, blue stripey shirt, jeans... all very cute. i have a full day. i got up at 7:30 am (EST) and i will be busy until 9:30 tonight. eek. my brain is sponge like just sucking up the knowledge... it was very thirsty after a 3 year brake from school.

the trip here was good. the first leg i got to sit by a drunk man who looked up when he saw me and said "oh great, i have to sit by the fat dyke." ya me. he called me names the entire time i was sitting there. thank god it was a short filght, only an hour. about half way through the flight the woman behind me, a very large 6' plus woman said that was enough and complained to the flight attendant. they moved said drunk man to go sit in a new sit, next to the sky marshall. he was very quiet the rest of the trip. they walked me to my next flight just in case he got weird as he threatened me too. so finding my flight was easy as they walked me to the gate. rest of my trip was uneventful. i found everything fine in chicago, no problems. when i got to burlington, there was a guy coming here on the smae flight i was on and he got a free cab ride to montpelier and he was nice enough to ask if anyone else was going to VC and i got to ride with him and another lady. the lady and i provided the tip. i gave the man a $10 because i would have had to spend $80 on the cab had i gone by myself. ya me. so i have $70 extra dollars. sweet. i bought an all class picture. i figure i will buy one my first and last semester.

i have made new friends. i was sitting in the caffeteria sitting by myself and people cam up and sat with me, all without being asked. because i am interesting and funny. my self esteem is definately measurable right now. every one is so nice and helpful. the only bad thing is that i keep having to down the pain killers for my knee. pain killers and muscle relaxers the breakfest of champions. speaking of breakfast...

the food sucks. the cooking school makes some weird shit. i would rather have cafeteria food from high school than this stuff. i don't like being a guniea pig in some cooking experiment. mybe tonight i will splurge and get a pizza or something. last night for dinner we had seafood stew. we called it mystery meat soup and tried to guess exactly what fish this meat was from as that is all it was good for. it was less than edible. well it's almost time for the group picture so i must go. have a great day as i'm sure i will.
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