fans in a room + beer = lolz

Nov 24, 2009 22:24

right now
eruthros and I can haz a
toft! which is always the greatest kind of fun. and tonight, following in the habit that toft and I have developed of enjoying Wholesome Activities whenever we're together (the zoo, the rare books library, museums) we decided to play charades.

. . . FANNISH charades.

let me tell you,
eruthros took WAY longer to get "John Sheppard's hair" than I would've thought. I had to mime a shepherd's crook before she got it! You'd think miming "sproing" would've been enough. On the other hand,
toft had to mime girl guide cookies having sex for WAY longer than should've been necessary before I called it out, so really I can't claim any high ground. And let it be said that miming "hooker AUs" is not as easy as you might think! Although I only had to spend two seconds dropping my gun before
eruthros called out "Fox Mulder!" You guys! Fannish charades! It's a lot of fun.

If you want to play at home, here are the categories we invented:

-characters (the charades-sign for a character was us doing the Jamie-Hyneman-mustache sign, but you can pick your own sign)

-locations (like "Atlantis" or "Seacouver") (we used a sort of mime for "the land!" for this)

-fandoms (using the standard charades signs for tv, movies, books)

-specific fics we've read (have to be famous; we used a "typing on a keyboard" mime for this category)

-fannish tropes (we used a mime of a pregnant belly, for MPREG, to signal this category)

Some specific charades that were mimed in my living room tonight:

-post-Trinity fic (fannish trope)
-The Impala (toft brought some serious game for this one)
-the planet Vulcan (toft had to mime practically the whole star trek movie before we got this)
-high school AUs (I did a backpack, and toft called out, "camping AU!")
-tentacle fic (sounds like "tent")
-Special Agent Dana Scully (the chip in the back of the neck was a nice touch)
-Major Evan Lorne (the painting and saluting mimes were beautiful)
-transformed into a kid-fic
-Doctor James Wilson (I mimed the watersports hand-in-water moment - eruthros got it immediately)
-Captain James T. Kirk (toft's rendition of "fighting aliens by falling on them" was inspired)
-Chicago's Most Wanted (it's hard to mime that story!)
-A Farm In Iowa (toft mimed one hug and one nap and just started miming kids when I called it out. Five seconds flat.)


livrelibre, whenever you come over later this week, we are TOTALLY playing this again, if you're game. :D

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lolz, i have a friend on the internet, wtf fandom

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