up to HERE I have had it

Nov 23, 2009 15:47

I have had it up to here with the fucking obesity epidemic. I have had it up to here with fat hatred. I have had it up to here with people who get to cover over their old-as-dirt "no fat chix plz!" assholery with a shiny new veneer of "oh we're just concerned for your HEALTH!"

Now, at Pennsylvania College: students with a BMI over 30 cannot graduate without taking a physical fitness course.

Because they're just looking out for the students' HEALTH, you see. Because BMI is absolutely an indicator of health and not a made-up bullshit scale invented by people who want to sell you fad diets.

My cholesterol is 138 overall. My blood pressure is 113/68. My blood sugar is normal (I'm not diabetic). I walk everywhere, I work out on my elliptical when I'm not too lazy to do it (just like, y'know, skinny people), I eat a mostly vegetarian diet, avoid high fructose corn syrup and trans fats, I am pretty much in great health. And I'm totes fat. And you know, even if my blood pressure and cholesterol were shitty and I ate nothing but potato chips and corn dogs, what the fuck right does the university have to do this kind of thing? How do they have the right to police the students' bodies? The idea of being one of those students at that university, having put time and energy and money into a degree and then learn that I couldn't have it unless I submitted to the university's patronizing, scientifically inaccurate, intentionally-humiliating program of body-size control, makes me sick inside. Listen guys, I already learned in elementary school that I should be ashamed of my body, it's been covered, the lesson's been taught, you don't have to teach it again in university.

[link via kateharding.net, which is recommended for anyone interested in fat acceptance etc]

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