look, I just like lists, okay?

Oct 05, 2009 20:34

I know I do it all the time, but I just find it immensely comforting to post in list-form. THIS WAY DIFFERENT READERS CAN PRIORITIZE THEIR READING

1) has everyone seen this new vid by talitha78? It is called Apple Candy, it is Kirk/Uhura/Spock (Kirk/Spock/Uhura? Uhura/Spock/Kirk? Whatever, it's those three + implied makeouts) vid and it made my heart grow three sizes AT LEAST. I was spontaneously clapping by the end, just in pure joy! Srsly, check it out.

2) It was realised tonight (mistakes were made) that I had somehow managed to get along all these years and never see the pilot episode of The Sentinel. I know right? I had sort of been thinking all this time that the one where they move in together was the pilot episode. Probably because my Sentinel-watching has always been guided by
eruthros, who is always like, "let's see, what's the next most hilarious/most gay episode?" And so we kind of always watched them in descending order from most gay/hilarious to least gay/hilarious. Though I imagine that the least gay and least hilarious Sentinel episodes are still hilarious and gay. ANYWAY, we watched it, and lo it was fabulous. Blair challenged Jim to be less repressed, and then I had to pause the episode because it was actually too gay for me to handle and I had to stop for a breath. This happens all the time when I watch that show.

3) Every TV show comes with its own special games to play; while watching Prison Break, I like to play Name That Lincoln Burrows Facial Expression; when I watch The West Wing I enjoy a good game of Which Character Is Aaron Sorkin's Mouthpiece Today? (hint: it's Josh); and throughout seasons four and five of SGA I was constantly forced to play This Is Teyla: Find Her. My favourite game for The Sentinel is called What Do Men Like? and it is based on the history of the show's production, which is basically that they did NOT UNDERSTAND why their show had so many female viewers and not as many male viewers (for an answer to this conundrum, see above re: hilarious and gay), and constantly added in additional car chases and explosions and things in order to attempt to man up the show. The results were, inevitably, hilariouser and gayer. So whenever wacky things happen on the Sentinel, I always assume it to be the result of a production meeting in which the production staff tried to answer the question, "what do men like?" Thus, while watching the pilot tonight, I called out the beginning of the game:

*helicopter lands near abandoned building*
me: "What do men like?"
eruthros: "Helicopters!"
*camera shifts to look up from below at Jim Ellison, standing with his feet wide apart, holding a gun, wearing double thigh holsters*
eruthros: ". . . and crotch shots!"

Ahhhh, The Sentinel. I love how every attempt to make that show manly just pushed it further into gay fetish territory. Tells you something, doesn't it? I think we can all learn a little something about masculinity and sexuality from The Sentinel. Good times.

4) The Dead Zone is still continuing to be amazing. I don't have anything specific to say about it at this particular moment, except, you guys, it's amazing. They do so much wonderful scifi shit with Johnny's visions, I don't even. Like, you know how on SGA it's like, "this episode includes ROBOTS and then in the next one McKay has telekinesis and then one about EXPLODING TUMORS and then one about cheeeeeese and after that an episode with SPACE PIRATES! then maybe back to some robots but different robots later in the season we will be plagued by WHALES" and they never really do anything with any of those ideas, and paint them only with the broadest strokes? Well, The Dead Zone is the opposite of that, in that the whole show is like, "a guy has psychic visions when he touches people. Let's explore all the ramifications and implications of that premise." God, I love it.

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the sentinel, the dead zone, recs, st:aos, teevee

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