A Poll All About YOU! I know you like things when they're about you.

May 07, 2010 09:25

Hey guys, guess who got anon-concern-trolled this morning on that post about fatitude that I made a while ago! If you guessed ME, and didn't mean yourself but rather me, twings, then you win. Did yall know that it is possible to tell, THROUGH THE INTERNET, whether or not someone is a lazy compulsive eater? All you have to do is find out whether they identify themselves as fat, and then you are qualified to in fact inform them that they are a lazy compulsive eater, which is an action that btw does good in the world. ANNNNNYWAY, that happened. BALEETED. I'm kind of amused, though - I don't think I've been concern-trolled like that since I dared to critique the incredible and egregious heterosexism on BSG. Ah, memories.

Here is something more interesting than concern-trolls: a poll! I really dug these polls when people on my rlist were doing them a couple weeks ago, but didn't have time to join in then. So now I ask you to take this poll and tell me what the heck you're doing here:

View poll: Please list name, quest, and favourite colour

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