fic that needs to happen, also I talk about vidding, I don't know it's not a coherent post really

May 04, 2010 17:40

. . . according to Ryan North's LJ feed of his comic, Emily Horne, Joey Comeau, and Kate Beaton are all currently staying with him. At his house. WHERE IS MY CANADIAN CARTOONISTS OT4 PLEASE?

I mean. Really.

In other news, how great was Doctor Who this week? I have been trying so hard to hold on to my skepticism about the new doctor, and I don't think I'll ever completely forgive eleven his young-white-male-ness (whenever I watch the show now I'm haunted by thoughts of what might have been), but. But. That was an amazing episode of television. Scary where it was supposed to be scary, wonderfully in-character, heartbreaking and gorgeous. GUYS RIVER SONG IS GOING TO HAVE TO KILL ELEVEN. My breath caught at that. I am so in love with River I cannot even deal, and anyone who makes really good River/Amy or River/Amy/Eleven will officially be my hero. I loved Amy chasing the Doctor about the room at the end (if there must be Companion/Doctor, I heartily prefer this sex-positive I'm-not-in-love-with-you-you're-just-hot option) and I love that it was River who saved Amy (and also Amy who saved Amy despite being terrified) and I loved, well, basically the whole thing.

Except of course we shouldn't be able to see the angels move, srsly. C'mon.

In other other news, I started again clipping for my VVC vid that I am trying to make, and now I am wondering why on earth I decided to make such a ridiculously multi-source and complicated high-concept vid in the brief period of time that I have to make it. Seriously, self? You really just can't make something brief and fun or at least SINGLE-SOURCE? What about all the Mythbusters clipping you did and aren't using in this vid? No? Sigh. So, now I am trying to belt in and get my head down and get this vid going. *resolve face*

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there's gotta be slash for that, episode review, vidding, dw

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